
Wednesday 26 February 2020

9th House in Virgo

There's a full moon in Virgo on the 9th of March that is interesting has in my life full moons are usually about completions, culminations and conclusions. You have to take a look at your own birth chart to find out where Virgo comes in your chart for this full moon.

For yours truly it is in the 9th house and the numeric of 9 is also about divine love and completion.

I am being told that "Justice is coming". 

"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream". Amos 5:24

After writing on-line the other message that I received was "You are too realistic for them". Big smiles, too real. They probably thought the same about Jesus too, you can't get much more realistic.

Yep, with Virgo in the 9th house you have to be realistic, we can't live any other way. It is the house of the writer that is rational with creative flair and it is often the case that we write about what we have healed.

Virgo's tend to dig deep and they have to be careful otherwise they can get buried in the sheer amount of information that they correlate. If you are an Aquarian with Virgo in the 9th house for this full Super moon there are times when you have to stop digging. Come up for fresh air and just get on with it, write it. That is interesting because new documents keep on opening up on my screen automatically, Spirit are clearly waiting for me to start writing.

So this week I thought OK, YES, let's get going and write it. The 9th house rules writing and publishing. From my experience once I start writing a new project that is the culmination of the healing work that has already come to completion. Then Spirit step in again to let me know what has to be included in the plan and written specifically. Whatever I do is usually like that divinely guided on whatever the project maybe. Once I start a writing project it can be very intensive.

It also rules the legal profession that is usually in my favour as I respect the law of the land when it is in alignment with the will of the people.

Our justice system isn't perfect, it can always do with improvements, but that applies to everyone's lives too. Perfected love is different to having a perfect life and circumstances. Although I still say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that is one of the reasons that some people can see things that others just cannot see until they are ready to do so.

With Virgo in the 9th house there always has to be a practical reason for whatever I do. Practicality is very important and in many cases market research for feasibility as to be implemented especially if there is a financial element or financial outlay involved.

So for instance I wouldn't just go and buy a car without knowing in advance what the full running costs would be and whether that was affordable and within my budget range. I wouldn't book a holiday unless I knew in advance what my total costs would be at the outset.

I like to know where I am with finances and when I was young, I always had something put away for what we used to call a rainy day. Just in case for emergencies. I'm the same with food, most of the time the fridge and cupboards are always stocked up. Just in case, be prepared. I like to know in advance that I have every single nutrient that I might require just in case of emergencies and or visitors arriving.

I like to know that I've got plenty of food and don't have to go out if I don't have too. Realistic again, big shops, bulk purchase, go less often, less expense, lower price suits me. My Pisces mother loved shopping, I'm the opposite, I have to have a realistic and practical reason to go shopping whether that is on-line or off line.

The first thing I used to say to people when they came to my home, "Have you eaten?" And if they replied, that they hadn't eaten, I would offer them something to eat. I'm the same with my neighbour and that links into the charitable side of the 9th house in Virgo. Scripture tells you that I would feed people all hours. Proverbs 31.

As Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". Acts 20:35

Virgo in the 9th house is about the journey, the vision quest, the pilgrimage and we enjoy travelling and having new spiritual experiences. It is philosophical and our perspectives and views on life are often different to others and that is enhanced by my Aquarian sun sign. Although if an Aquarian is having a relationship or friendship with another air sign and they also have Virgo in the 9th house that can be a match made in heaven.

We like freedom being our key word and "Freedom of Speech", although we respect the fact discipline is essential to have balance in one's life. So it is an interesting combination of energies and talents. Of course discipline is also essential to the spiritual life, just because a person is spiritual doesn't mean that you can do whatever you like. A heart of integrity, in pure intention is essential.

To work with Spirit you have to be realistic, you also have to be really self-disciplined. You can't just roam you have to have a clear path and if you are true and live in integrity a clear path is shown to people with the 9th house in Virgo when they are ready for it.

So for instance on my path of service I was meant to investigate comparative religion for divine purposes when I was spiritually mature enough to see the texts through a mystic lens. The journey with it was divinely led so it was easy to accept the steps that had to be taken. Little steps.

The same with looking at the law when that was necessary. In 2019, I found that a young couple had been "deprived of their liberty" and their human rights. We don't teach children about the law, and perhaps if we did teach children the basic laws in school we could have a more law abiding country with children that have respect for the law once more.

"I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice". Proverbs 8:20.

This link shares more with you about the 9th house.

This full moon in Virgo is what is known as a Supermoon and Robert Currey advised that around this time "Partnerships can be changeable now. You are someone whose relationships are never likely to be conventional, very stable or predictable". 

Certain friends and associates don't have your best interests at heart now. 

Freedom is important to you now and you may find that your own life is taking off, which might mean leaving partners or friends to go their own way. 

If people are not with you, if they're not on the same wavelength or can't keep up with you, then you have no choice but to get on with your own life. You can't put your life on hold for other people at this time due to the energy and emergency of Jupiter.

We now move into the next phase in the Jupiter cycle of expansion. Financial and material circumstances are beginning to improve through fortunate business opportunities. It just seems like "Pennies from heaven". Over the next twelve months or so, risky projects can reap surprising benefits. 

The business aspects and possibilities in the map of my life are interesting as I am now in a year for wisdom more precious than rubies once more. A new cycle of time has come to be.

I write this to inspire you to look at the map of your life and the energies that are impacting upon you and your country of origin. As I can assure you that it will help you if you pay attention to it.

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