
Wednesday 29 January 2020


Messages from 2019, Jesus spoke of "JUNE". Then there was the shoe box dream with the large crystal egg in it. It also had trinkets in the box and I could see the key rings. After the dream he spoke again and he said, "RED OCTOBER".

Also in June 2019, I asked the LORD what his will was for me and he showed me a "White Stone Warrior". I came across that vision again today. It was after I received that message that I began remote viewing again for a man with a serious health condition.

A lot has happened since June 2019 as the mystery of the shoebox and its contents were revealed. In June someone contacted yours truly for help. After that weekly remote viewings continued for a couple of months. Interesting that George gave a song called, "The precious box".

I call this spiritual work remote scanning, due to it being for health reasons. During the scanning a lot was revealed to help the warrior with his health journey. During the remote scanning, Spirit also told yours truly who he was in different past lives, hence, the power of the connection between us.

The man was certainly brought into my life for divine purpose and the story would make a wonderful case history. The flow of divine guidance received has been intense, holy streams of it. It usually is if and when I take on a health case, it's very intense for yours truly and I always learn something really important from every health case and health condition that I investigate.


In October I received another dream of a digital clock with the mileage on it, and it was urging me to take immediate action to get a car. Then when I looked to see what my car dealer had in stock, there was the red car with a low mileage and a digital clock.  When I looked into the meaning of the number plate in gematria one of its meanings is "I am an instrument of his peace".

In October 2019, I received new car keys for the red car. In November, I received new keys for a new front door. That reminded me of the crystal egg dream due to the contents of the shoebox that I was gifted with. In January, 2020, the man is doing great and his health is improving, happy is the man, for it is the will of the LORD.

Last week a Christian healer asked me if I thought that my prayers were answered, I replied, "Yes, but they have to be in pure intention" and so do the people that you are praying for when you pray for someone's health to be restored.

In this link, today I found that monuments exist of Galahad which provides more insight into the vision given by the LORD for his will to be done. The LORD gave me exactly what I had to focus on and work with until such time has he gives me a new focus and priority.

The light was pouring out of the rock crystal straight at me in the dream received in May, 2019.

The egg shape is also significant, as we think of eggs being related to a Christian holiday. Last week I asked a Christian when easter is this year in 2020 and he replied, in April. Easter Sunday is on the 12th of April.

The timing is significant as in 2019 I had warned the man that he must stay 100% positive due to planetary energies that could make him feel "despondent" sometimes until the end of March. After that things should get a lot easier, especially if he works far less.

I also shared with him that he must make his health his number 1 priority, his major focus, above all else, he has to work with me and the spiritual guidance received. He is in a year of spiritual transformation in his life cycle, so it is definitely a transformative year for him.

As the LORD said to yours truly on the 18th of January, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased".

Today, 29th of January, is the "Day of Compassion". 

The whole true story would make a wonderful book, as the messages relating to this reality and this man go back to the year 2000. Twenty years ago.

We did it all for love.

1st January, 2020, message from George and Diana, "New Life Is Coming". That message was received prior to receiving the good health news, even prior to him knowing it himself. Of course, I rejoice and am delighted, praise be to the LORD for making it possible.

This evening people are looking at this blogpost from 2013 titled, "Blue Robe".

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