
Friday 17 January 2020


Courtiers don't think that Meghan will be returning to the UK, and staff at Frogmore Cottage at Windsor have now been relieved of their duties. Meghan views the environment in England as "Toxic", and that is what she thinks of the marriage to a member of the crown and his family.

From statements made by her friends, American Meghan views self-discipline, permission and duty as "Toxic".  Yet, it is clear that the only person that was "Toxic" was the American Liberal Democrat feminist that brought serious heartache to her own family, to her marriage and to the monarchy.

The "Toxic card", is given back to Meghan with the Obama "Race card", we gave that straight back to the Liberal Democrats too. For it is the American Liberal Democrat PR tactics and drama to own, not ours. What the Australians have to say about the "Meghan attention seeker".

In the main, the British people are a humble hearted people, and the working class, our indigenous people, have a great respect for the duties of the monarchy, our historical culture and our cultural traditions and customs.

Meghan an American feminist that had a relationship with a "Porn Star" was bound to be a "toxic" influence upon her husband and the aristocracy. Her former boyfriend also said that Meghan only had a gap of 2-3 months between boyfriends, whereas energetically there should be a gap of a minimum of six months, and in serious relationships, it can take two years or longer. Meghan doesn't know much about energy or how it works does she!

We have seen the way that Meghan has treated Harry and his family. It has all been recorded on film how she was physically pushing her husband around, pushing him out of her way, jumping in front of him to take his place whilst he was speaking to diplomats on official duties. Even poking her tongue out at an official event, it has all been seen and recorded.

As I have written many times before, you can't buy class, you are either born with it or not. You are either taught the best of manners and the way to behave with your elders when you are a child, or not as the case maybe. It is clear that Meghan has serious issues with authority and that goes back to her childhood. In psychology mothers impact upon relationships and how a woman treats her husband, and dads impact upon careers.

I was blessed to grow up in a very happy marriage with my parents, a very different upbringing to Meghan.

So it will be interesting how Meghan's dad fares in his defence of the Daily Mail in the High Court case in London, as a key witness he is defending his right as a man to defend himself in a court of law against his daughter's claims against him.

Meghan's sister gives an exclusive interview to Talk Radio.

Telling her husband when to sit down, where to stand, what to say,  and even to ask a Disney mogul for a voice over job for his wife. The rooster that hen pecked Harry spent £500,000 on a baby shower party in NYC, while she has the audacity to even mention the plight of the poor and the ecology of the planet.

What we have witnessed in the UK is "Meghan's Toxic Disrespect", for authority, tradition, official protocol and the duty that comes with being a member of the monarchy who are all answerable to our people in the UK.

Harry doesn't like having to be answerable either, what a generation of young people, they like the millions that the British public have provided for them, they don't like having to account for it or give anything back. Harry and Meghan have got used to spending, spending, and spending, while our people have been living through austerity.

Meghan spent £90,000 on a dress to wear in Morocco, just think of the extravagance of that in the face of austerity my people. Then Meghan thinks that she is above criticism, remember what Jesus said to the rich man, the same applies to Meghan.

Meghan would still like the millions that comes with being a member of the monarchy and all of the safety and security that comes with being dutiful to the people of our country.  Even on their joint website there was only one monogram and that was Meghan's monogram, clearly, another Meghan marriage is on the rocks. The discerning British public thought it would only last two years, and that it would definitely be over within five years.

Love is not for sale Meghan, real love cannot be bought. Integrity and honour is not for sale Meghan and as Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

I have more compassion in my little finger than Meghan has in her whole body. Her dad had a heart attack and she didn't even spare the time to go and see him, or take the baby to see him and her family back home. Harry's friends are not impressed either, Rose Astor posted her response.

"I am standing back as a senior member of my tax return, because I'd rather drink coffee, see my friends, love my family and do yoga". Rose, 40, explains that these activities are infinitely preferable to keeping receipts and doing maths which I swear is bad for my health".

Mercury is now in Aquarius and Aquarius is in complete opposition to Leo. The water carrier can put out the Leo fire like the most beautiful river pouring upon it.

So readers of this blog, children of God remember Philippians 2:14-16. Do not grumble or argue like Meghan, become blameless and pure. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. Then I will be able to say in the day of Christ, I did not run or labour in vain.

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