
Sunday 19 January 2020

Rooster and Rat

Proverbs 27.6 "Wounded Teacher".

Another translation of Proverbs 27.6 from Hebrew.

"Wounds of a lover are faithful, whereas kisses from an enemy are burdensome". 

Interesting the Proverb mentions "as a bird wandering from its nest, so is a man wandering from his place". Proverbs 27:8 Meghan is a rooster in Chinese astrology, and Harry is a "water rat", Harry has certainly been rooster pecked.

"Toxic Meghan".

Some are saying that Meghan was the only woman in history to make a Prince into a frog, perhaps that's why she chose the Frogmore mansion, because like the Obama's Meghan will always ask for more. Biblically, Rev 16 mentions the frogs and that chapter is about politicians. Remember the French eat frogs legs and the Obama's told us to stay in the EU, bloody cheek of them. Those American Liberal Democrats trying to tell our people how to vote!

Meghan has big ambitions with political aim and Harry will suffer the consequences for his actions, one cannot turn one's back on one's duty without consequence. He won't only pay this time, he will pay for a 100 years with lifetimes of duty to the state to be fulfilled. He has brought upon himself some karmic lifetimes in which he won't be so privileged.

Harry has now been relieved of all of his duties to the military and is not allowed to represent the Tiger, Queen Elizabeth or the military. All connection with the British military have been severed and that will hit home in Harry's heart. The military did not approve of what Harry was doing because the military take an oath and pledge of allegiance to serve the Queen and our country.

In Chinese legend the great Tiger was defeated by the Rat, the rat is known as the "Trickster" in Chinese spirituality, the Tiger was "tricked" by her grandson. That is how it became the first of the Chinese signs. Harry's dream was to live in Africa, Meghan squashed that dream of his. Although when his marriage is over, he is most likely to return to the Africa that he loves.

On the 25th of January, it will be the start of the "Metal Rat" year, and I do not anticipate that it will be plain sailing for the couple that are certainly not royal in the way that they have behaved since they met.  It is on their behaviour that the British people have been critical of them both, judgement is upon them and there are court cases in the High Court too. Legal actions that they are having to pay for.

Harry's protection officer shared that when Harry was four years old, Harry spoke of William being King, so he could do whatever he wanted. He said, "I can do what I want", And Diana responded to her child by saying " Where did you get that from?". In other words, "no Harry, you can't!".

His mother was fully aware of the importance in position that he had been born into and the duty that came with that privilege. Interesting that Diana and William are both the same star sign, as such, William is most like his mother, her dutiful first born. William was born in the year of the dog, and President Trump was also born in the year of the dog.

Meghan and Harry millennials that leave a "trail of destruction" wherever they go. They are globalists the same as the corporations and Meghan's dad agrees. Beyonce looked embarrassed by Meghan and Harry asking for a job from Disney, indeed. Meghan is a national "embarrassment" and to her own family too.

As Jesus said, "People are not a commodity without love they become so".

Meghan and Harry made themselves and Archie into a commodity and as I have written previously, real love is not for sale, a heart of integrity is not for sale. Another reason why the monarchy refused Meghan the freedom to photograph anything she liked to sell afterwards without permission to do so.

Leo Meghan doesn't like having to ask for permission and nor did the Obama's. Perhaps those Liberal Democrats should learn about the spiritual law of permission.

Meghan is a vegetarian and she made her husband into a vegetarian too, the latest science is that "vegetarians have high risk of strokes". Harry is not as sporty and adventurous as he used to be either, once a horseman, now no polo or shooting allowed while married to north American Meghan.

Australian media say that Harry has become a "dreary snowflake". He certainly knows how to have a meltdown.

Actress Meghan couldn't fit into the county set with the aristocrats, people like Meghan don't impress our British people and the working class. The real working class in the UK are not impressed by status, position or wealth. In our ancient culture we are not impressed easily, although she does have nice handwriting. We are Islanders that have defended our culture for 1,000's of years and we are still defending it.

Mercury in Aquarius 

Water Carrier 

Israel is still flooding although it is providing much required water for the reservoirs.

Sunshine Springs 


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