
Thursday 2 January 2020


For those that have passed over the suffering and sorrow is over. The sober decade came to a close as we begin a new decade of what I refer to as the "Decade of the Generator."

Generating the new, as Diana and George said "New life is coming" and our planet is certainly sparkling with new energy for new beginnings with love in our hearts on the love vibration. 

I read today that Gerard Batten has resigned from UKIP, and I think that credible people of integrity and honour have had enough of other people's "emotional rollercoasters" created by people that have stood against democracy in the previous decade. In case you are wondering, I stand with Lord Pearson and Gerard Batten. 

We've also had enough of the Greta's and their "hypocrisy" intoxicating young people with America and it's globalists that are trying to impeach the president. I agree with Putin, I don't think that the senate will impeach Donald John Trump who has done his utmost to make America great again. 

Gerard Batten did his best to make UKIP great again, yet, some people within UKIP refused to allow governing with a high level of integrity that is essential to help people and countries. So for yours truly this new decade is all about generating the new in harmony with my spiritual self and what is most advantageous to my mission on the planet and completing it for the prosperity of our country, culture and nation. 

I will continue with my spiritual work in health and helping those that have the ears to hear and the heart to embrace. Although it is also time for yours truly to return to creative projects including publishing the works. Only when you take time out for yourself do you have the time to really do what you are meant to do creatively for length of days. 

There is no time for any distractions, although there is time for yours truly to have a personal life now, pleasure and travel in my life. My motto this year is "I have a life to lead". 

20 years of defending freedom of speech on-line is enough for yours truly, it was a very long stint, some I enjoyed, some I didn't. Defending is like defending your business and children, some you enjoy and some you don't. It's the same with parenting, some of the time you enjoy it and some of the time you don't. It is time for the younger members of our teams to take it on, they've been prepared, they're ready, we gave them our best shot, a master shot of the creative film maker and skilled writer. 

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