
Thursday 30 January 2020


I'm being shown Archangel Raphael this evening, Raphael is significant of a time of healing another healing phase in the life.

After I was shown Raphael, one of the mounts on my fingers on my right hand was brought to my attention with an itch and that finger is on the mount of Apollo in palmistry.

The Apollo line is said to be the fortunate mount on the hand significant of a fortunate life. Those that chose to become healers are certainly fortunate. Healing ourselves, healing others, healing animals, even healing food and water, also healing the land and life circumstances including past lives.

The right hand is also significant due to it relating to this life time, whereas the left hand is symbolic of the previous life time. Biblically, the left hand represents glory and honour, and the right hand represents length of days.

So for instance this life time I have outlived the age that I lived in the previous life time on the planet and I think that is largely due to becoming a healer and how my parents taught us to look after our health. Both my parents embraced the power of healing, hence, I was very fortunate to have such Christian parents in that regard.

Healers have the ability to have length of days e.g. longevity, if they pay attention and focus when asked to do so. My mother also outlived her mother, her aunt and her dad.

Healers who have been trained by the divine and work with the divine, have the ability to extend lives, save lives in the name of God. Raphael wasn't only known for the power of healing, he also has the ability to deliver people from danger and the biblical prophecy speaks of the deliverer's that would come. In the Eastern orthodox church, Raphael is a saint and his feast day is on October 24th.

In the Pistis Sophia, it is written thus: "The Saviour related with the emanations of Raphael will be in the region of the souls who have received the Second Mystery of the First Mystery". In that text Raphael is one of the five helpers and the Father is the First Mystery in all of his glory".

The meaning of the name Raphael is "God has healed" in the book of Tobit Raphael is a companion and healing guide to the son of Tobbit. Raphael did not reveal who he was until the end of the journey together. In the book of Enoch 1, 40, Raphael is one of the four presences over all the diseases and wounds of the children of men.

Hence you can think of Raphael as hovering over the Children's Hospital in Great Ormand Street, London. A hospital that I was so pleased to help with a young doctor that became Professor Tanner, may he rest in peace.

In the Zohar 1, Rabbi Abba wrote: "Raphael is charged to heal the earth, and through him the earth furnishes the abode for man, whom he also heals of his maladies". In the Legends of the Jews 1, 385, Raphael was sent by God to cure Jacob of the injury to his thigh. Jacob's trouble was his hip joints due to wrestling with an angel.

A regent of the sun, Longfellow referred to Raphael as "the angel of the sun".

Chief of the order of virtues, governor of the south, guardian of the west, ruling the second heaven.

Overseer of the evening winds, guardian of the Tree of Life. Angel of prayer, love, joy and light.

In Christian art he is seen holding a pilgrim's staff and a fish and in the 21st century people are certainly aware of the power of fish oil as a healing nutrient for the body, especially the joints.

Interesting that this week I noticed that the Daily Mail featured a story that a whale has turned up in the Thames Estuary that is in the south of the country, and that is certainly a rare incident. Although it is happening more frequently in recent years.

In scripture, Jesus spoke of the importance of the sign of Jonah to the Jewish orthodox. In 2010, a grey whale turned up in Israeli waters, and we celebrated when it did so. As it indicated a timeline involved with biblical prophecy.

When Solomon prayed for help to build the temple, Raphael was sent to give a ring of power to Solomon, it is written in the "Dictionary of Angels" that the ring was engraved with the five pointed star.

When I prayed for help 20 years ago, I was shown a ring to purchase in Australia, it has a pink Rose Quartz symbolic of love, with my birth stone of amethyst for healing, with little seed pearls ornately arranged in silver. I wore it on my right hand for a long time while training people to become healers.

Although when I purchased the ring I was unaware of the divine plan for yours truly to teach healing therapies. I just allowed the healing and spiritual journey to unfold before me. When you step on the highway of holiness, you are constantly divinely guided with it.

Raphael is a beautiful name, also the name of a great painter and architect during the High Renaissance.  In Italian the name is written Raffaello.

This painting from Raphael was commissioned by a prominent family from Perugia, in Umbria, in Italy. Umbria is always in my heart, and Umbria is the heart of Italy as seen upon it's land the last time I walked upon that land while teaching healing.

The Italian title of the painting, is "La Madonna dei garofani" and apparently it means  "Madonna of the Carnation".

It is no coincidence that in the last two years I was compelled to grow carnations in my garden and when the children were in the garden with me we would discuss the names of the different flowers and herbs in the garden. Sometimes I would let the children pick the carnations.

Teach them young and they will always remember it and it's fragrances for healing purposes. In their hearts they will always long for the healing garden where they knew that they were safe and truly loved.

Madonna of the Pinks 

National Gallery, London. 

As I sat down to spread the paint last night, the message that I received is this:

"You have raised him up". 

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