
Friday 6 December 2019

World of Miracles

What's for breakfast? Porridge today. I've had a food bug all week and it managed to get into my kidneys. The kidneys are the shen of life. Celery is really the best food for cleansing the adrenals that help the kidneys. There is a lot of water in celery and water is also great for the kidneys.

So last night I cooked some beef skirt, with swede, potato, carrots, red onion, garlic and celery in the slow cooker.


My biorhythm's indicate that my body has been on a low ebb since the 2nd of December, although today, I'm back up to 52%, intellectually up to 62%. I also had some therapeutic massage yesterday to help the injury in the neck.

Yesterday, I was given "Vitamin A", so egg yolks are also important for yours truly, liver, butter, and veg that also has Vit A.


As Jesus said to his healers, "Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven". Luke 10:20.

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