
Monday 30 December 2019


As we know Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, Aquarius the inspirer and Venus rules Libra.

What's great about this week is that Mars will be moving into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius and out of Scorpio so things won't be so intense for yours truly. I must admit I'm pleased to see the end of 2019 that is coming to completion; as so many people were on emotional rollercoasters and to be able to help those people I had to join with them on their rollercoaster when I don't like emotional rollercoasters.

So a time of letting go, and letting others just get on with the lives that they have chosen for themselves, it's their journey to integrate.

For some of you, you might find it is time to have a clear out of your lives, clearing out of wardrobes, clearing out of friends or places that you have visited on a regular basis in 2019, or anything else that is not serving you and your life in the best possible way.

We're moving into the new year of new possibilities and opportunities. So for instance I've got clothes in my wardrobe that I've had since my 40s, they still look brand new. Some of those clothes don't suit my new style and age now, so they have to go to a younger member of our spiritual community that is in her 40s because I know that she will appreciate them and make use of them.

Sometimes you just have to move on and stop being so nostalgic about the past, I sure am ready for the new that is coming in and space has to be made in my life for it. We have to let go of those people that refuse to listen and integrate the help offered to them too. Give your help to those that do listen and integrate, they are the people that are ready and will appreciate what you have to offer to help them. They are the ones that deserve our help.

So you can understand why I am so happy that 2o2o is arriving this week, it's a great numeric too with it being associated with the Jewish prophets. 20+20 = 40. Nostradamus also understood the numeric of 40 and he associated it with the age of Iris.

Remember he said that for 40 years it wouldn't be seen and after 40 years it could be seen everyday, he knew it was significant and that it related to biblical prophecies. Nostradamus was a healer and he was into flower essences and essential oils all part of his Christian mystical healing journey with his Jewish heritage.

So let's listen to what else is happening this week as we move through into 2o2o with hope and optimism for a better year ahead. Last week I was asked divinely to wait one more week, I have been very patient and did as I was asked to do.

Will you be involved in music in 2o2o? I've got my Ukukele and my tongue drum with my other healing musical instruments, I'm all ready to go, have passport will travel.  I asked Spirit if I could go away for New Year and I was told, I have to stay at home. When I travel and where I travel too has to be in divine timing, on a mission, big smiles.

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