
Monday 9 December 2019


The 9th today, brought the surveyor to measure the windows for new double glazing in the foreseeable future, more happening with structure and stability of the home today. The kitchen window isn't being changed, it's clear the property was designed by a man that didn't take into account the height of a woman or the reach of her arms to be able to open a kitchen window. 

At this time in the UK, people are having to decide whether they're going to vote this week, and who they will vote for. Serious election now, due to the impact it will have upon the future of our people, country and nation. 

The day of the election on the 12th I have a hospital appointment due to previous ear infections earlier in the year. Being serious about your health journey and being committed to it - is important to everyone's lives. The fact is has shared decades ago, most people don't like change, many people find change difficult to accept, yet accepting change in our lives we must, as change is the only constant in the cosmos. 

Sometimes people are given a health condition or situation to resolve. When that happens it requires your commitment to help yourself as much as you possibly can do so. So for instance an elderly lady that had a brain tumour survived the operation and her surgeons said that it was because of the specific food that she ate that saved her life and gave her a miracle. 

However, that same clairvoyant knows 1,000's of healers, and we know her. There were a lot of holistic spiritual people around her and that includes Reiki healers. 

Your health should be interesting to you, and anything that can help you to help your health can be amazing. Miracles really can happen in peoples lives when they take the journey seriously. If a lot more people got into the science of food, a lot more people would make a breakthrough about what they are putting into their mouths. 


Let food be thy medicine, it's serious, really, really serious, although it is pointless trying to help anyone that refuses to change their ways and it can be heartbreaking at the same time. When people are challenged by a life threatening condition, that calls for an immediate change to how people are living their lives, what they eat and what they do with their lives. 

If people are not willing to accept that truth than how can anyone ever reach their hearts that are closed to change? Open your minds and hearts it's nearly Christmas and Chanukah, the festival of lights. 

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