
Monday 16 December 2019


A discussion on the state of British banking, how banking got where it is, and where it is now. The social damage that it did to British society during the Labour Party, Gordon Brown era. Banks overpaid for acquisitions. Some of us remember when the banks bought estate agencies.

Banks paid £800M in legal fees to defend themselves. Bankers are not being held responsible for their deeds and actions. They question why the government have been so 'feeble' about the 'corruption' in the banks.

Lloyds Bank were involved in "asset stripping", by giving company loans, and then Lloyds Bank pulled the rug from under their feet and took the loans back suddenly, and that impacted upon the safety and security of their businesses. The people that were harmed by it are suing Lloyds Bank.

26 mins uploaded on the 16th of December, 2019.

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