
Saturday 28 December 2019


"The LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married" Isaiah 62

This evening I am being shown "Spiritual Marriage", and that is different to other types of marriages that are wholly physical in nature for earthly reasons e.g. procreation. So for instance many years ago a woman asked me why her marriage split up after her children began secondary school.

The divine guidance that we received was it was due to the fact that her husband was to be a co-creator of the children with her and now she was ready for her mission and divine purpose.

Spirit usually wait until the youngest child starts secondary school prior to imparting a specific mission or ministry because Spirit are fully aware of the importance of sharing quality time with your children, especially when they are young.


Spiritual marriages are pre-destined, the connection, the meeting is pre-destined, the souls journey and mission is pre-destined. It was agreed upon pre-incarnation on the planet. Although it is a lot more than even that. You know each other, you know that you have known each other in past lives sometimes before you have even met or meet. Sometimes you are shown decades in advance that a spiritual marriage is coming into your life and it comes in on the love vibration.

You can communicate with each other via a different realm. You can be walking along the street, and suddenly you can hear the voice of the soul speaking to you. They can know instinctively on a soul level where you are, where you go and when, they are so aware of your reality that like a mother picks up on her child after leaving her womb, the specific pairing know of and when the other is under par physically.

It doesn't necessarily mean marriage in a way most people think of it. In fact, some people that are in a marriage of their souls and spirit sometimes do not have an actual physical relationship.

The connection is on a different and much higher plane of existence. In some cases some pairs do get it all on all planes of existence, it really depends on the circumstances.  It just depends upon what has been agreed pre-destination for the spiritual marriage of two people and what has been ordained to happen.

When you connect you know what all the previous issues in your life have been about and how it connects to the two people, everything starts to make sense on a totally different level.


Sometimes the issues may have arisen in the workplace, in business, in friendships, or financially.  Sometimes in relationships, sometimes in health. Why things didn't run as smoothly or exactly has you had hoped. The reason being that you wouldn't have met when you are meant to do so; if everything had gone to your plan. This is about the divine plan.

After your connection is made, you understand and appreciate it, as the story unfolds before you. You both change due to the spiritual connection that is beneficial to you both and you have no choice but to honour it.

Restrictions in your life start to be released because it is healthier for you both once the connection has been made to fulfil the will of God. It is a mission that you both share and you could not complete it without the two of you uniting as a united force. Divine guidance is continually given to help you both with the journey together.

It isn't something that most people could understand because it is an extraordinary spiritual experience that influences your life in profound ways.

The  power of the Spirit that brings you both forward at the right time and in the right place. It is an eternal connection. It is not unusual to find that you live near to each other because that is where you were placed in close proximity to make it easier for the connection to be made in divine timing.

You will know it because it is the perfect match that has been lit in the heavenly realms, it is the perfect fit in so many different ways.

So don't be surprised if you see people talking about spiritual marriages in 2020 and their divine experiences of it. Divine love in manifestation is dynamic, charismatic, powerful and fulfilling.


26th December, 2019. 

We've just had the annular Solar eclipse in Capricorn, and now we have a Lunar eclipse in Cancer on the 10th of January, 2020. My map for 2020 from Robert Currey says that the full moon eclipse will be in my 7th house, the 7th house is ruled by Libra and planet Venus. Venus is also in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020. 

The 7th house is all about partnerships and relationships and what contribution they make to the world. It is all about the agreement that the two people made or make to each other, what they bring to each other also determines what they bring to their homeland. With the eclipse being in Cancer, it can indicate strong people on the outside and soft hearts inside. The outer shell is for protection of the heart and the hearts and souls of our people. 

My chart mentions meetings around the time of this eclipse that will impact upon the next year. 

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