
Friday 27 December 2019


Boxing night painting, as the new moon in Capricorn solar eclipse energies moved in fully. This painting has photographed very bright indeed, although the colours on the painting are much softer and pastel, it has a gentleness with it and Capricorns can be very gentle.

My grandmother Sophia was a Capricorn and she loved her dog, when she had a dog she also had a rented house in London with a garden for it. Capricorn can be fixed, and they like to fix things and help people to fix themselves. Usually they're very organised and don't ask for much, as they are quite self-sufficient. I've worked with a young Capricorn male, and once he understood the divine plan, he was all systems go with it.

When the painting was finished I could see the honey badger in it, once photographed by the computer I can see another dog, a very hairy dog, like a Spanish water dog or the Tibetan.

To me it looks like a show dog, due to the way that it is standing, it is ready to show the world what it can do, it is ready for action. The colours of the painting, are lavender, pastel pink, burnt sienna and yellow ochre.


26th of December, 2019

More on the solar eclipse energies. 

My tongue drum arrived today, interesting that the ukulele came in before Christmas, and the tongue drum arrived this morning. I've reviewed 2019, and 2020 is go time for yours truly, right on to complete projects, before new projects can begin. I also consider that there will be some travelling in 2020 for yours truly, the time of staying put has been completed. Have passport will travel, have car will travel, although the energy is very grounded in reality of what is possible to achieve in 2020. 

I will certainly continue with health and nutrition in the foreseeable future, as so many people require help with their different health conditions and systems in their bodies. Designing recipes as I go along with each health case that is brought to me. You can't just give everyone the same recipes, because people have different taste buds and like different foods. So it is important to give people healthy recipes for their health conditions, that include some foods that they like. 

One of the serious issues is that the medical profession in the UK is 20 years behind the latest cutting edge science in nutrition. So we have to carry on regardless, and relentlessly, we can't be held back by the academics that take so long to shift. 

Mystical healers do have the staying power to continue with the divine plan. We master any challenge and reality that is presented to us healers that have done our homework and research based upon the divine guidance that we have been given. Divine providence it certainly is for us. 

It is still Hanukkah festival of lights until the 30th of December, and there is a lovely verse in the book of Hebrews about the first born. 

My grandfather Joseph on dad's side was a first born, and I was also the first born in my family, the eldest. 

In Judaism the first born was given to God for God's work to be done, hence, their names were carefully chosen. 

That is one of the reasons that my mother embraced my name that dad chose, and also introduced yours truly to the healing path chosen by Jesus. Of course Jesus was also the first born of Mary and Mary made a better choice than Martha. 

Scripture tells you that the names of the first born are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel. Hebrews 12:23-24. 

So refuse not those that deliver heavenly warnings because it could save your life. Always remember that love drives out fear and as Jesus said, "Never be afraid". 

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