
Monday 16 December 2019


Venus moves into Aquarius on the 20th of December, and that is the "Day of Generator". 

Venus stays in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020. Being an Aquarius sun sign and having Venus in Aquarius in my birth chart, it's bound to be a time for the real generator.

On the 21st is the Winter Solstice, 22nd at sunset Chanukah begins, the festival of lights, candles on.

Then on 25th/26th we have eclipse season and this year it is an annular in Capricorn. I usually enjoy the Solar Eclipses and feel the energy coming in prior to it. It's the last solar eclipse of 2019. I have Capricorn in my second house, have you looked to see where and if you have Capricorn in your chart?

The 25th of December is the "Day of Supernatural" and the 26th of December is the "Day of Challenge".,_2019

This eclipse is a Saros 132, the last time that we had a 132 was 18 years ago, and 2001 was a powerful spiritual year for yours truly as it led up to much more the following year.

132 is the gematria of "Hidden Code",  it links into Venus in Aquarius on the "Day of Generator". 

It is also the gematria of "MAMMA MIA", "I hope", and "Gems". 

We have a restaurant with the name of Mamma Mia where I live and it is opposite to a crystal shop that also offer semi-precious stones. I bought healing oils, a crystal egg, and a large Tibetan sound bowl from that shop in 2019.

Definitely divine providence!

How amazing is that!

See more on this link.

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