
Friday 20 December 2019

Richard Braine -v- UKIP NEC

I read on Gerard Batten's Twitter feed this evening that Judge Warby of the High Court Queen's Bench Division criticised the action taken against Richard Braine and his colleagues, the judge awarded that UKIP must pay the costs in the court case.

Gerard Batten reports on his twitter feed that it has cost UKIP £29K and Gerard wrote, "UKIP's NEC has lost a case in the RCJ against former leader Richard Braine and others. They took out a writ after Richard tried to communicate with his members by email."

If you would like to read about the case in full, this is a link to the case heard at the High Court on the 18th December, 2019.

Gerard Batten wrote that "we need an EGM to sack the NEC". I agree with him.

A great decision by the Judge Warby, it's about time we had some justice.

The 18th of December was the "Day of Grand Design".

What else has been happening?

The new interim leader for UKIP, Patricia Mountain sent members an email telling members that they are not allowed to go to meetings of their choice, e.g. attend any meetings with integrity without consequences. Who does she think she is, she can't go around threatening UKIP members and restrict their choices, and nor can the existing NEC. Political parties can't dictate to their members who they can listen too and who they can't. International law of freedom of speech exists.

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