
Saturday 7 December 2019


Some people are moving on, it is that time of year when decisions are being made for 2020.

On the 9th of December, Mercury the planet of communications leaves Scorpio and Patrick Arundell shares with us that things can speed up now. With the Sun in Sagittarius it can herald great change can come into your life.


The 9th of December is the "Day of Flamboyance" in numerics. I have an appointment that day, the builders are coming to examine my windows. On the 11th/12th, depending where you are in the world, there is also a full moon in Gemini the communicator.  I have a gemini moon sign and the moon under my feet.

The full moon and the completion of the monthly cycle. It has a sense that everything that was required to be communicated as been communicated in that phase to help people to make a breakthrough, and now they're far better prepared for the new phase of their lives than they were before.

For President Trump his visit to NATO in the UK, didn't go to the plan that he had hoped it would. He stormed furiously back home to America because of what Macron, Trudeau, and Johnson did behind his back. Never mind Donald John Trump, you've got a gemini full moon coming and that will be in your favour.


We have given people all the help that we can and now the ball is in their court to take the appropriate action that is required. With the Sun in my ascendent sign of the traveller that could mean that I will start looking again for winter sun for 2020.

It is a great time to ascend again, now that various aspects of different people's lives has been solved.

For yours truly, it is not about other peoples lives, now it is about my own life and where I am going in 2020. That is now my focus, divinely guided, it's time for positive change again for yours truly and to be "unreasonably reasonable" due to the events in the past year.

As a spiritual colleague, Robert Currey wrote to me: "In the past year you have been forced to apply your ingenuity and originality to tackling difficult challenges. You've had to be firm in your dealings with people, especially those that have been a bit difficult or contrary lately. Constructive instability is the best way that I can describe recent developments. "

Robert wrote that when he went through the same transit, he "faced nerve-wracking delays", and his advice to yours truly is to "Stick to your plans and be unreasonably reasonable".

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