
Tuesday 17 December 2019

Message received "It is serendipity"

Message received last night at 02.12 GMT

"It is serendipity". 

It means the faculty of phenomenon of finding something valuable or agreeable things not sought for.

Serendipity: Minds on Fire 

In response to the woman in the video, pre-destination and the map of our lives is involved in serendipity. It isn't something that you can teach others to engage with, although you can help people to recognise it when they examine their own lives. 

People with Venus in Aquarius do have the faculty of phenomenon of finding something valuable when they carry out an analysis of a health case or business. The story unfolds before them naturally and that's how they find the hidden gems that sparkle and ping out before their very eyes. 

Another general meaning of the word 'SERENDIPITY' is "unexpected discovery", and or "fortunate chance". 

In the corporate world they apply the word "serendipity" to inventions and discovering something new. Whereas I view it has discovering something that already existed, yet who could see it? As Jesus said to his healers privately,  "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see".  Luke 10:23 

In friendships and relationships it can mean meeting in the right place at the right time for an important reason and purpose, as such, it is pre-destined. So I don't view it has "chance", or "luck", I view it that the serendipity was meant to be at the perfect moment in the timeline.

Another example of that is when Jesus was saving people from "self-harm, self-sabotage, and self-destruction", he turned up just in time to save them, it was pre-destined as scripture ordained. When people are on a road of destruction, and the healer arrives to help them, they can always change course to benefit their lives. They just have to recognise the serendipity involved and embrace it.

The same in business sometimes you can look at a business and wisdom more precious than rubies told the business owner you have to do this or that to save your company. Did they make the right choice, some did, some didn't. Those that didn't let pride get in the way, made the right choice and delighted in it. "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart". Psalm 37.4

"For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory" Psalm 149:4.

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