
Sunday 29 December 2019

LUNAR ECLIPSE 10th January

On the 10th of January, we have a full moon Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees in 2020 in the sign of Cancer, with five planets in Capricorn. The 10th of January in numerics is the "Day of Realistic Assessment", and Aquarians are known for making accurate and realistic assessments due to their analytical brains.

The sign of Cancer, hard shell soft hearts, the shell created due to them being very sensitive as children. With a lunar eclipse in Cancer you have to look beyond the surface, you have to go beyond appearances, you have to look deeply inside a person, deeply into their hearts.

In my chart this full moon eclipse is in my 7th house and that is all about how people relate in what they have to offer the world, whether it is friendships, or relationships, what is your reason for being together, as it is to be fully appreciated. You may find that it is time to make a realistic assessment and move on from different friends that may have crept back into your life. Cancer likes friendships and family, although they can stand alone too when they have to do.

The 7th house is ruled by Venus and Libra, Libra can be master builders in relationships and friendships, they definitely like being in charge and control.

Being a full moon it can indicate completion of something in our lives so that you can move on into the energies that the new year has brought to you.

Robert Currey indicated in my chart that there will be meetings around the time of this full moon, meetings, agreements, some might have financial implications. I do have a hospital appointment in that timeline for a realistic spinal assessment, they're now going to examine my neck.

This eclipse is one of four penumbral eclipse in 2020, and this first eclipse of the season is in the saros 144 series, there's a biblical numeric for you. So I am not surprised that I've been shown the "Spiritual Marriage" as being important in this timeline.

In Hebrew gematria 144 is the gematria of "Light" "Time" and "Finder", the light reminds me of the light in this painting.

So wherever you are and whatever you are doing have a great lunar eclipse and always remember love drives fear out! It has come to light that Greta's family are involved in nuclear energy, it was also found that she had loads of plastics in her car. So little Greta doesn't have what is required for a "Spiritual Marriage", of our land, as written in Isaiah 62.

Greta doesn't have olive skin either, I'll be very surprised if her parents see her grow up and have children, Greta is seriously in the danger zone with the globalists and the American Obama supporters. Those in the know, know what biblical prophecy says about them!

2020 is also an important numeric as 20+20 = 40 and that is the numeric of the Jewish prophets. Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the numeric of 40, his work was like a velvet glove upon the biblical prophecies.

I treated myself to a tongue drum this Christmas, and I've been playing little tunes on it. It's very sweet and has a lovely sound. Music is still in my life in 2020, I also have a Ukulele to embrace.

I'm sure there will be more paintings coming in prior to this eclipse, I called this painting Mama Mia.

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