
Monday 2 December 2019


Patrick Arundel shares with us that Jupiter is moving into Capricorn today and it will stay there for just over a year.

Jupiter the joyous planet of expansion is present, opening your minds and your hearts to ensure that you accomplish success in whatever you plan that to be.

I have Capricorn in my second house and Capricorn is concerned with structure, stability and safety in whatever form that takes in your life. Some people rely on their careers for that, some rely on bricks and mortar, some rely on relationships, or friendships. Some rely on their parents for it, some rely on their financial investments, and some rely on political leaders.

However, relying on external factors can make people feel vulnerable in times of a crisis when anything and or everything can get swept away.

Our bodies require stability for health, our structure requires the correct nutrients to function properly, safety is also important as far as what you are doing to your bodies? Is your body safe in your hands?

How tangible is your approach to life and your health, can you rely on your health to help you, or do you have to help it too? Remember it is not a one-way street, your bodies have a dynamic self-healing system when it is allowed to function properly.

When finances are tight it is often the case that health stops being a priority, due to what people can afford. The same is the case if and when people work too hard due to not making the time to nurture the body and give it restfulness time to regenerate.

When in fact, health should always be a priority every single day of your lives. If you don't look after your health, then nothing else really matters because it means you are engaged in "self-sabotage".

So make a difference to your lives today, and make your health plan for the next year, look at where you can improve, redefine, readjust, where you can expand your horizon and what you think is possible to attain with your natural healing talents and resources that are available to you.

If you have Capricorn in the second house it can relate to what you are attached too, do you have any attachments or are you as free as a bird. I remember a time when I got rid of everything, businesses, mortgage, furniture, it was the most liberating time of my life and spiritually fulfilling. My life opened up with the heavens opening up, it was a truly cosmic time.

So I welcome this time of Jupiter being in Capricorn, as my fast has been completed. With this placement I am not surprised that I have a new freezer coming this week, as a lot is going on with DIY and improvements to the home.

Sometimes you have to make sure your place is all fixed up prior to moving on to something or somewhere new. Leave it, better than you found it. I did my utmost to do that with everything I touched and with people usually that meant helping them to become more at peace with their lives and themselves.

My new healing drum is arriving this week and I am really looking forward to working with the tongue drum.

So what does my birth chart say for this December,  "In the past year you've been forced to apply your ingenuity and originality in tackling difficult challenges. You've had to be firm in your dealings with people, especially those that have been a bit difficult or contrary lately. Constructive instability is the best way that I can describe recent developments. My advice is be unreasonably reasonable". 

One of the aspects of Capricorn people is that it usually takes them until their 50s to achieve real success in their lives. So the youngsters require real and serious advice on how they can improve their lives and ensure that they have enough for any rainy day or emergency. 2020 is going to be a great year for yours truly and wisdom more precious than rubies.

The old sayings of prudence:  Be prepared, save for a rainy day, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. Waste not, want not. Time costs, time is money, don't waste it or your lives.

When times are good, clear any debts and put something away in case it is ever essential for back-up, always have a back-up plan just in case life takes you in a direction that you were not anticipating.

Remembering that your human plan is not always the Lord's divine plan for you, so be as flexible as you can be, try not to be too fixed as a person, don't be stubborn like Capricorn can be, do your utmost to be miles ahead of your competitors.

Understanding yourselves, the planetary energies and the prevailing circumstances can certainly help you to navigate your lives around anyone or anything that tries to stand in your way. Remember the goat is sure footed, it's a strong animal and it can climb mountains. Be gracious, honourable and live your lives in the heart of integrity. Allow the joy to flow into your lives and "children are the supreme joy of human life" said Jesus.

Also remember that if you have put the effort in and done your homework, this is when you hold the Trump card and you can win in whatever area of your life that you are destined to win in!

As I said to a friends daughter, that is also one of our Reiki practitioners, victory is yours, you are a winner! The more love that you have become the more love you have attracted to you. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

There was a beautiful crown formed by the sunshine on the wall opposite me today. Huge it was, a huge crown, a lovely symbol in the sunshine. Unusually seen, first time I've seen a golden crown in the sunshine, beautiful.


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