
Thursday 26 December 2019


News of the birth of a child is such infectious joy, the baby a bundle of joy. 

As Jesus said to yours truly, "Children are the supreme joy of human life". 

No coincidence as circumstances would have it; that on Christmas day it was his will to bring a mother to visit my home to discuss the precious children. 

With this Mama Mia solar eclipse, he has certainly brought it home to me again, on how much work there is still to do with the children and their parents that require all the help they can get to defend their children in our country. 

What he has shown me this morning is that he is inspiring heartfelt communications, between people, couples, pairs, friends, relatives. Moving communications that can move people's hearts. There are lovers in this world that love to love like Jesus does. 

It was not a coincidence that a Christian healer rang me on Christmas morning either. Sometimes when you begin a journey, you are not necessarily looking for anyone that is specific to your life. Yet, while on the journey something or someone very important to your life is shown to you. 

That is how I can describe how I met the Christian healer that I hold dearly in my heart, I wasn't looking for her when we first met. That is also how we can describe the meeting with the mum on Christmas day, Sarah hadn't planned on meeting me for a discussion, it was just meant to be, destiny, some might say pre-destination.  

As he said, "It is serendipity". 

Jesus, or Yeshua if you prefer, was Mary's first born. In ancient Judaism, the first born is gifted to God because they are the eldest. In the book of Hebrews it mentions the community of the first born, although the word is often translated as church. 

My great-grandmother was Jewish and she married a Christian, she only brought up her firstborn in the Jewish tradition. My Christian mother brought up her first born, her only daughter in the way that her life had been influenced by Jewish friends. She introduced her daughter to the path of healing that Jesus had chosen and was pre-destined for. 

"You have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to myriads of angels in joyful assembly, to the congregation of the first born, enrolled in heaven. You have come to the God the judge of all men, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect. To Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel". Hebrews 12:23

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