
Tuesday 3 December 2019


Jesus was given Frankincense, in Tibetan medicine they give people with 'cancer' Frankincense. I've been recommending Frankincense for "cancer" for a long time.

A university in England has proven that Frankincense is more powerful at "killing cancer cells" than chemo.

"Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better! Recent research has revealed that frankincense also has cancer-fighting properties. In fact, studies have shown that it may even be more effective that several common chemotherapy drugs! The best part is that frankincense doesn’t harm healthy cells, has no severe side effects and can even help kill off chemo-resistant cancer cells.

Researchers from Leicester University found that a chemical in frankincense, known as  acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to destroy cancer cells."

"Scientists from Cardiff University previously found that frankincense could also help to treat arthritis. The researchers found that the administration of frankincense helped to reduce pain and inflammation for patients suffering with osteoarthritis in just seven days."

Due to being given the fragrance of Lemongrass consistently since the end of October, I also recommend Lemongrass too and Lemongrass plants can be put in a drink to drink. See this link that shares that doctors in Israel are referring "cancer patients"  to a Lemongrass farmer for his Lemongrass.

I also recommend a range of "anti-cancer" foods and that people completely change their menus to include the list of foods that I recommend with scientific back-up. 

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