
Tuesday 31 December 2019


In the 90s I used to teach tarot in addition to other spiritual subjects so it makes me smile when I see students of it discussing its meaning.

In the Morgan Greer pack, in the four of wands,  the background of the sky is golden yellow and that is a colour of creativity, the ground is also yellow and that can relate to yellow crops e.g. mustard crops. It indicates a Christian city, an ancient Christian city.

Wands are work cards and there is also a castle in the symbology. Who built castles? The Romans they were also very creative and into construction of our roads in the UK. Many of those roads still exist today with the ancient castles.

The castle is high up, being high up, it is elevated for protection of it's inhabitants, and due to its elevation it can be seen at a distance. As we know castles have a watchtower, and that is also symbolic as bible prophecy mentions a woman that is the watchtower for the flock. Micah 4.

The four of wands are at the entrance to the city, and you can clearly see that they are oak trees on the card with green leaves. Biblically the oak trees are symbolic of the righteous and the prayers of the righteous are effective. Upon the wood from the trees hangs a garland with greenery and red and white roses, symbolic of the flourishing entrance to the ancient city. Roses and the sisters of the Rose, the roses being feminine in nature and they have a healing fragrance. The fertile garland also has grapes and grapes are symbolic of mystics in spiritual symbology.

Wands are sometimes referred to as rods or batons, and a specific ancient city is being symbolised in this card for divine purpose on a work level. The numeric of four is also important as it is the numeric of the material realm and what has been created during the history of the culture in which the castle stands.

It is clearly an historic location with an important purpose.

If you are intent on studying tarot you must study spiritual symbology as many messages were included in the graphics. Also always remember that the suit of wands/rods/batons relates to work and the work life.

I will take this opportunity to congratulate team UK, we did it! This is a 4 minute recap from Carl and the team; all that hard work was worth it. Big smiles. In my case it has been 20 years of defending freedom of speech on-line, so it was really great when our guys turned up to carry the baton to the next phase.

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