
Wednesday 11 December 2019


In this episode of "Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson interviews Douglas Murray on his book, "The Strange Death of Europe" for an American audience. In the beginning of the interview that was uploaded in October, 2019, he said.

"Europe today has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself or even take its own side in an argument. By the end of the lifespans of most people currently alive, Europe will not be Europe and the peoples of Europe will have lost the only place in the world that we had to call home". 

Peter Robinson quoted John Cleese when he said that "London is no longer an English city".

The length of the video is 47 mins, Murray's book was released in 2015, so Peter asks Douglas how things have changed since 2015 since the publication of his book. Douglas also gives some history to how we got where we are in the UK. If you are a patriot it breaks your heart to see what politicians in the UK have done to our nations in the UK.

Douglas Murray says he's done his crying over it.

He also shares his research and found that 1/3rd of Africans would like to come to Europe.

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