
Wednesday 4 December 2019


This December and election painting for England. 

Red white and blue. 

Size A3 



Copper, white, blue and purple. 
Size A3 

Nostalgia can be positive in challenging times, although we cannot live in it all of the time. BREXIT Britain and it's leave voters wishing to take our country back due to us remembering what it was like prior to mass immigration and Islam taking over in various towns and cities in the UK. In the past our challenges were different and there were many to overcome on many different levels. 

The word NOSTALGIA originates from Greek, and it can mean "Homecoming" with "Pain or Ache". Coming home to the self is often co-created by the experience of pain that we are challenged by, once a person knows how to liberate their love within, they truly are on the way home to their true selves. 

Sometimes that takes the form of painting, writing or sharing poem. Sometimes, it can motivate the writing of songs like it did for George Michael. It can be a powerful de-stressor to release the tension and pain of what you hold inside of yourselves. It is often what compels people to write about their lives and their life stories, it can be a great catalyst in the healing process. 

Expressing yourselves freely, trustfully, knowing that you are loved and in the arms of love also helps people to make a breakthrough in the power of the love that can enhance your life and the lives of others. Genuine people love to love, genuine people are sensitive to the requirements of others and with Jupiter in Capricorn, Barbara Goldsmith shares that integrity is being brought to the fore. 

Hence it is a blessed time, although it can bring its challenges. Like it did for me today when my freezer had been signed for by a different person, in a different road, when they shouldn't have signed for it. So now delivery has to be re-arranged. Biblically it speaks of the heart of integrity, and it is the heart of my people that voted to leave the EU. 

We voted with our hearts for the best choice for our people and the future of our lands. We voted for a return of integrity in our country, a return of everything that we hold to be true. The return of our people and our country to honour and grace, because we are aware that cultural genocide has already begun, and we have to put a stop to it. 

We knew we had no choice, we had to choose for the longevity of our people and length of days; we did so willingly, hopefully, determinedly, courageously, with our hands on our hearts. 

It has been far too painful for too many, to watch our country being destroyed by those that don't care. 

Although Jesus gave many warnings about what would happen if people refused his holistic healers. He tried to help us as much as he could in advance, so that we were ready to take it on. 


Received some good news today, someone that I've been helping is getting a move to a new location. 

Always remember to leave better than you found it, and be joyous in the blessings brought by the planetary energy of Jupiter. 

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