
Monday 23 December 2019


More from this funky guy on the week of the 23rd to the 30th including the solar eclipse on the 26th.

As we know Venus is still in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020. So what else is happening this week. Are you having a funky time this solar eclipse? Are you heading for a new future in 2020?

It's Christmas, it's Hanukkah, and an annular Solar Eclipse in an earth sign of Capricorn. Hence it is a grounding energy due to it being so earthy. It likes being organised and with everything arranged. We also have Jupiter in Capricorn, Capricorn likes structure, strategy, and plans. Mercury will be moving into Capricorn and that involves communications and how you communicate to a larger audience in a grounded way.

What are your intentions, and how do you plan to manifest your prosperity in 2020? What has to change so that you can move forward, best to review the last year and see what you have to leave behind, like the UK leaving the EU, taking our country back, means taking our power back from a federal Europe.

"2020 is a history defining year".

2020 = 40, is the numeric of the Jewish prophets so an interesting numeric.

In my annual forecast that Robert Currey (UK) did for yours truly, he wrote that the New Moon in Capricorn is in my first house for the solar eclipse and it is also the official start of my astrological year. It indicates the confidence to create a new identity with a greater sense of self-confidence. Although some people can find my self-confidence and self-assurance daunting.

It is a time for fresh beginnings, and a greater sense of certainty in my life. My chart indicates an encounter around the 10th of January, and that is the full moon in Cancer in my 7th house. I also have a hospital appointment around that time too.

It can mean that events will force me to take greater account of someone close and address an emotional issue that has to be raised with that person. An important meeting is on the horizon around the same time, an important contact, meeting or finalisation of a contract will affect the coming twelve months of my life. So it will be interesting to see what transpires in the planetary map laid in front of me.

I usually feel the solar eclipse energies coming in prior to it, and I must say I'm feeling incredibly positive, calm and refreshed with this solar eclipse and I hope that our readers do too.

The Hebrew gematria of the solar eclipse series is 132 and that is the gematria of "Mama Mia", "I Hope", and "Hidden Code" of course there are other words that relate to it too, I just picked out the ones that resonated and pinged out for me intuitively.

As Jesus said to his healers, "Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven" Like 10:20.

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