
Thursday 12 December 2019


Full moon in Gemini and I've received another dream on the morning of our national election in the UK. My moon sign is in Gemini the communicator too.

In the dream the man that I married in my 20s was doing a three point turn to get out of the car park in my red astra. I was in the passengers seat in the car. He crashed the car and it took all of the red paint off of the front of it, under the red paint it was white. He didn't only take the red paint off of it, he also dented the front of the car.

I was cross, I got out of the car to look at the damage to the front of the car and then said to him, "That is going to cost you £2,000".

Then as I was waking up, I was given the name of a local businessman in the car industry and he owned a car dealership. I was told that he would tell me all that I need to know. His former girlfriend passed over and at that time the Spanish didn't give the family a cause of death.

During my career I also worked with the lovely woman that became his wife. She was the secretary for the company and I had been hired to do the new business development. However, I only stayed in that company for a few weeks, I moved on to start my own consultancy.

In dream interpretation to dream of a crash heralds an important achievement and the louder or bigger the crash the more noteworthy the achievement. Cars also have meaning and if there is an automobile in your dream and there is an accident it forecasts recovery of something that was "lost".

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