
Monday 16 December 2019

20th December Venus into Aquarius

Venus shifts on the 20th of December into my sun sign of Aquarius, I also have Venus in Aquarius in my birth chart so that's great for yours truly. Venus will be staying in Aquarius until the 13th of January, 2020 when it moves into Pisces.

Venus in Aquarius people like mental stimulation, they have to be turned on mentally prior to being turned on physically. So for instance if in their analysis of a subject matter they find it stimulating and positive in helping humanity then they are sure to embrace it.

When meeting new people they often sift through a person's mind to find their purest essence, intentions and interests. They leave no stone unturned when they're analysing a situation in their personal lives if they're serious about it.

It is often said that they allow their heads to rule their hearts due to their pragmatic view of life and that is great for any business activity, because you have to have your head on the right way for business.

Venus in Aquarius like to be as sure as they possibly can be, they like to see the evidence, and actions prior to making a decision. Although they are known to be a lot a fun to be with, quick witted, and like surprising people in a great way.

Creative and they really enjoy being innovative, doing something unique and different to everyone else is what they do best.  They usually stand out in a crowd due to being or doing something different to their peers.

The 20th is the "Day of Generator", so think about what you can generate to improve your life and your health. Remembering that you have to allow your bodies to regenerate, and you have to keep the generator up to optimum performance. You could view your brain as a generator, so how are you looking after it? How do you feed your brain?

Remember what generators can do, and apply it to your life. Generators can create signals, it can be a a converter of energy, be a source of electrical energy, it has it's own engine, it can be worn, it can be like a rocket that soars. It has a great code of ethics, it's great at analysis, it includes mathematics.

It generates new applications for different programs, for instance the design of the New Empowerment Model for Sure Start that I was blessed to design and implement. It's great at fulfilling its intentions and making a success of it for those that most require it.

Knowing how families that live in social housing think was a great asset for making the work with the families a success. Everyone had a dream to access and to manifest when people were being real with themselves.

As Archangel Michael said to the wondrous woman from heaven, "Self-development is teaching the soul to fly!

Its language is natural, free flowing and real, it can be great for testing the quality and standard of those it comes into contact with. The tuning generator for musical tuning of different frequencies and temperament.

Fabulous December, with so much happening planetary wise.  On the 21st it is the Winter Solstice, on the 22nd at sunset Chanukah begins, on the 24th I've been invited out for lunch, then we have the solar eclipse in Capricorn on 25/26 depending on where you live on the planet. 

Happy holidays everyone, stay safe. 

UPDATE 02.12am GMT

Message received, "It is serendipity". 

It means the faculty of phenomenon of finding something valuable or agreeable things not sought for.

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