
Monday 25 November 2019


This morning I had a dream and I travelled to an historic location, it was a lovely small place in Europe, it looked like France or Italy.

Then while I was swanning around the historic location I came across an historic site of some importance and there was an ancient pool inside a shop front. It was a location where St Francis had been to bathe and there was still running water amongst the ancient stones.

While at the site on my own, I thought an English friend might like to go there and that I would bring back a brochure to England to show her. However, I considered that the brochure was far too expensive and I refused to pay that much for it. After that I saw the Spirit of St Francis swanning around in the location, so I knew it related to St Francis.

Then as I woke up, I was given the name of an Italian dish from Rome. "Carbonara", that was further confirmation that the location was Italy.  The word "Carbonara" is derived from the word "Carbonoro" and it means "Charcoal burner".

Then as soon as I wrote about the dream on-line to share, I received a telephone call from a colleague that had travelled to Assisi in our group years ago. The last time we were in touch was in 2018, so it was a surprise to receive a phone call from her on the same day as this dream.


In dream interpretation, to dream of travelling can indicate a sudden substantial increase in status and or income is forecast in a dream of travelling for pleasure. To dream of an historic location is alerting you to be prepared for a sudden opportunity to improve your circumstances which will present itself in the near future. To dream of printed material can indicate a satisfactory solution.

To dream of a pool can indicate social gaiety and to dream of fresh water is favourable.

The 25th of November is when Venus leaves Sagittarius the traveller and Venus moves into Capricorn. I have Capricorn in my 2nd house and that relates to my attitude and view towards the material world. Hence I was telling the material world it is too expensive and the cost is too high.

One could certainly apply that thought to Italy, as the cost of everything since they took on the Euro has skyrocketed.

St Francis does like the animals, the dream confirms that I am on divine purpose. I was once gifted with a Past Times figurine of St Francis by one of my students, and it sits in my garden. As the bible foretold, Joseph would receive the gifts. There is a lovely translation of Aaron's prayer where it says that Yahweh brings the gifts.


The gematria of my car plate is "I am an instrument of his peace".

Tomorrow is the new moon in Sagittarius my ascendent sign, the traveller. Interesting that 26 is the numeric of the name of God in gematria.  I am certainly disciplined financially, my Christian gran, Sophia's motto was "Waste not, want not". "Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves". "Where there is a will, there is always a way".

Today, I received another invitation to attend a party by email, the invitations keep on coming. However, I have to make the right choices for the right reasons that are in line with my divine purpose.

UPDATE 22:46pm GMT 

News from America, Trump is making "animal cruelty a felony". He is signing the bill into law.

Excellent news indeed from President Donald John Trump.

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