
Saturday 30 November 2019

Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies

While listening to Patrick Swayze singing, "Time of my Life" this evening, I suddenly received a strong whiff of Lemongrass while listening to the song. During the last couple of weeks I keep on being given the Lemongrass healing oil.

As we know everything as energy, frequency and vibration. In Israel doctors have been sending their cancer patients to a Lemongrass farmer to get their Lemongrass. It is written that a compound in Lemongrass can kill cancer cells. This report says they'd been asked to drink eight glasses of hot water a day with fresh Lemongrass on the days that they went for their cancer treatments.

You can appreciate why Israel are world leaders in healthcare. They've been working with complimentary medicine and therapies for a long time.

After that I came across the work of Anthony Holland Phd, a renowned composer turned cancer researcher. Dr Holland figured out that cancer cells are vulnerable to frequencies between 100,000 hertz and 300,000 hertz. With Pancreatic cancer cells the resonant frequencies lead to changes in the shape of the cells and eventual destruction. His team tackled leukemia cells next, which were similarly destroyed. In this video he shares his fascinating research.

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