
Saturday 16 November 2019


I spread the paint last night on yellow card, the paint spread is orange, pink, and purple. I can see a dog in this painting, and the dog looks like a rescue dog to me due to it's sad face. 

Dogs are powerful healers and there is a dog that hopes the healer will come to rescue it. I can also see a bow in the dogs hair and it has floppy ears like a cockerpoo. I can see it's fluffy tail, ears, nose and eyes. I like this painting it is alive and I can see lights in it.

The dog is wearing a purple ribbon in it's hair and Stevie Wonder sung about a ribbon in the sky, do you fall in love with dogs? I do, the unconditional love of a dog, the dog definitely licked it and it was a powerful initiation. 

Interesting that in scripture Jesus was taught about the power of the dog by a woman, it was also a woman that put healing oils on Jesus, on his feet and on his head. 

Some people aren't aware that what we do in Reiki healing on the training courses is actually mentioned in the bible too. Dr Usui found the keys to the science of happiness, to improve the health of the people. How wonderful then that Mrs Takata was cured of her 'cancer' by receiving Reiki healing from multiple practitioners and that is one of the ways that Reiki healing spread across the globe. 

How wonderful it would be then for this Reiki Master Teacher to have a dog at my side. Quan Yin likes her Lion dogs too and in Tibet dogs defended the temple sanctuary. We also know that Jesus visited the ancient Greco-Buddhist city on the borders of what is now known as Afghanistan, due to the bust of him that was found in that location with him wearing a buddhist bun on his head. 


15th of November, 2019. 

New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th of November, 2019. Opportunity knocks. Barbara mentions that she is leaving Greece and coming home to England. I think we will hear of a lot more people coming home to the country of their birth. 

The 26th of November is the "Day of Distinction".  My ascendent sign is in Sagittarius the traveller and after the age of 40 your ascendent sign has more impact upon your life than previously However, a person should also take into consideration their north node soul journey and where their Chiron is in their birth chart, a map of life on the planet. 

I think it is also a good idea to look at that when choosing a dog to home, if you know when a dog was born, you can get some clear idea about it's personality and insecurities if any. I've been putting out my feelers for a dog to come into my life, and have started to register with dog charities that specialise in a specific breed of dog that I am interested in. 

I am looking for a therapy dog that can work with me in the healing process to help people. I'm also looking for a dog that will be a companion in my daily life. 

Anyway, this is some information from this English lady on the forthcoming new moon of distinction. So with new beginnings, look out for that which is distinctive, look at the opportunities that present themselves to you and stand out for you. Sometimes that means rescuing something or someone. Sometimes they require essences, healing oils, or advice on nutrition that includes minerals. 

Humans lack minerals the most, so it goes without saying that it is the same for the animals, including dogs. Also I have noticed recently the sheer numbers of dogs that are suffering from "cancer", and that never used to happen prior to the explosion in technology. I still remember the days when dogs passed over with natural causes due to their age. 

Dogs are now living with their heads and bodies in the equivalent of a microwave oven, so that really has to stop if you and your animals would like to have long life and length of days. 

I'm pleased to see that 5g Awareness, John Kitson is standing as an independent MP for election in Totnes. There are also over 200 Independents standing. So consider all of the opportunities when you are deciding on your vote, because the main governing politicians from the different parties in the UK, cannot save you and your health, nor can they save the health of your pets. 

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