
Saturday 30 November 2019


The terrorist alert had been lessened in the UK prior to the 2nd attack at London Bridge in London yesterday. The story is all over the front pages of the national press in the UK.

It wasn't only London that was hit yesterday either. This video sharing on the London event, also mentions that there was a knife attack in Paris, and I will include that there was also a knifeman on the rampage at a shopping centre in Holland too, although neither Paris or Holland received any decent news coverage.

As far as London is concerned, we know now that the man shot at by the police was a Pakistani Muslim that had been previously imprisoned on terrorist offences then tagged on release. I think most people agree that the people that carry out these attacks should be deported rather than tagged. If their families don't like it then tough, they can be deported too.

I'd even go further and close all mosques and Islamic schools. If people don't like it then tough, leave the UK if you don't like it. Our politicians have to grow a backbone, and start deportations. This is not the first that the same person has committed an "horrendous jihadi crime" against our people.

All Europeans should be on alert this holiday season, in fact, all western countries should be on high alert. I knew something was up as I had been unusually tearful this week, and I tend to get tearful just prior to an attack.

In this article it mentions one of the men's compassion for the "underdog". An Islamic terrorist is not the underdog, our people that are murdered by terrorists are. Wake up media, jihad is war against our country, people and nationhood. Only when Islam is removed from the UK will it stop intentionally harming our people.

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