
Thursday 28 November 2019


So have you heard the English nursery rhyme everyone and sung it to your children?

The Grand Old Duke that marched his soldiers up and down the Hill.

The latest story to hit the press is that a massage therapist went to the palace to give Andrew a full body massage and she received £75 for doing so. It costs a lot more than £75 for an escort MSM.

I've looked at some of the American plaintiffs (and press conferences) involved in the current Epstein case and each one of the American girls were involved in massage. Often their first meeting with him was for a foot massage, and sometimes the girls went with their sisters. Although the MSM are not asking the pairs of the sisters why they are not all suing. If a was a journalist that would be one of my first questions, "Why isn't your sister suing too?

Did you know that it is Weinstein's lawyer that is the female lawyer that is representing most of the girls in the Epstein case? Don't you find that strange that suddenly all these girls have a lawyer after the man is gone? If the American government ceased all of Epstein's estate, do you think these girls would be suing the American government? Would the lawyers still be like sharks circling the girls to get what they can out of the case?

The Duke of York is more than happy to provide any information the intelligence services require. Although I think intelligence services already have all the information that they require. Andrew was military trained, and withdrew from being an ambassador for trade back in 2011.

The veteran has had his flag and standard removed from his lodge at Windsor Park where he lives. 

Meghan the social climber thought she was marrying above her station and into a better family than her own. Now the American woman is mortified by the Andrew interview. Andrew is her son's great uncle.

I have to admit, having worked in television, it looked like a show to me. A military man knows how to perform. He's military trained in advance for serious interrogation in case he is ever captured, and a media interview can often be that.

What pinged out for me is how Andrew kept on talking about what he had to learn from his contacts and it immediately makes one think that it was a military operation for intelligence services. I didn't buy the fumbling Duke act one bit and I don't think that other veterans will do so either.

We are also aware that there has been a plan to try to elevate Charles in the eyes of the people, although I don't think that will work due to how people still feel about Diana and how she was treated by her husband. Even after being separated from Charles, Diana was only allowed to see her children once a month the media reported. Everyone knows how much Diana adored her children.

I am not condoning whatever went on in the Epstein case, or on any of his estates. I am a realist, and just have to be neutral and pragmatic about the facts of the case as they're presented before us to get an accurate picture. However, some Americans have led sheltered lives and haven't been in the position where a proposal was offered to them.

Lady Diana, our Queen of Hearts, did have something to say about it and I have shared exactly what she said with a friend.

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