
Saturday 23 November 2019


Polar Plasma, 5g, Crater, Galatic Mergers and Wind. SO News, 23rd of November, 2019. As far as 5g is concerned, Ben might change his tune if he and his family suffered what some families and their animals are suffering due to 4g and 5g. Although I would not wish that reality upon him or his family and pets.

Far too many people and their pets are passing over due to the impact of the technology. We already know that 5g was used by the military to impact upon the skin, eyes, and immune system.

What we find is that investigations of "cancer in dogs" is helping surgeons to improve the care of humans as well as the animals. This article is from 2017.


Dogs can also sniff out "lung cancer" a study found. This study was with Beagles. The dogs sense of smell is at least 10,000 times more sensitive than most humans. Beagles were chosen for the study due to them being "Scent Hounds".

These dogs are also able to pick out "cancer" from blood samples with incredible accuracy. Now that is something that Ben and his scientific friends at SO can't do with smell. Never underestimate the power of a dog!

Some more news on "Cancer Research" uploaded on the 20th.

I note that those most recent studies are based upon developing a drug to stop it rather than studies on "anti-cancer" foods that can have powerful impact. In my research there are some foods that have a compound that is known to "kill cancer cells".

No surprise then that pearl barley was given to dogs to eat in Roman times. However, some people can't have pearl barley due to their food allergies and having to have gluten free food. Although I did find a couple of alternatives that those people can have and it includes Red Palm Oil, and Coconut Oil.

Something else that I recommend to people for their nutrition is goats milk, cheese and yoghurt, due to it having K2 in it. When I began drinking goats milk, eating a lot more goats cheese, and yogurt I found it definitely helped the strength of my back. We also have a local farm that makes an amazing range of goats milk ice cream.

K2 and Pathological Calcification.

Reiki and Jesus -v- Cancer

Lemon Grass Healing

This week while giving healing I saw a Spirit Dog sitting in my drivers seat in the car looking up at me. It looked like a Border Collie, the message of the Border Collie is play comes prior to work. Not only that but the Border Collie protects the borders and the sheep from invaders. That dog is protecting my car, bless it.

So with all the invitations being received this week, it's time to join in with some celebrations and have an enjoyable time before next year begins. Time to circulate, show everyone I am still alive and kicking.

Earlier in the year I had a dream of the Israeli's asking me when I was coming back to Israel, I told the Israeli PM that I have to go to Greece first but I could come for Christmas. He laughed at me and said, " YOU can't have a Jewish Christmas with us".

Funny, that it is Jewish holidays this Christmas, it is Chanukah from the 22nd of December until the 30th. It would be lovely to stay in Nazareth for Chanukah and Christmas.

I've asked Spirit if I can go to Israel for Christmas and the response was "NO". I asked can I go away for Christmas and the response was "NO".  I asked, do I have to stay at home this Christmas and the answer was "YES!"

So I don't get any choice in the matter then, I suppose I better get on with painting the hallway then and just being cosy at home, sorting the place out.

Earlier in the year I also had a dream of looking out of my lounge window, and children and people were playing in the snow. So it will be interesting to see if and when that happens.

If you like our Funky blog then you are welcome to comment and say, "YES!" I know that sometimes it can bring up people's issues, we are miles ahead.

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