
Wednesday 20 November 2019

Freedom of Speech Update

Free speech activist Paul Joseph Watson joined UKIP and then moved over to TBP and if you've been following Kipper Central on-line, you know about the latest actions of Farage. There are a lot of TBP subscribers and candidates that are not happy with the TBP. Kipper Central article: "Have Brexiteer's been denied a real choice?"

Count Dankula joined UKIP and he has now made a video on why he joined UKIP and why he is leaving now. When our free speech activists joined UKIP, it made national news due to the large following that they have.

As Gerard Batten tweeted on the 11th of November, "UKIP should be about free speech and individual freedom".

As far as we are aware Gerard Batten still hasn't been returned to good standing by the NEC and the NEC are taking the previously elected leader, Richard Braine to court. A new NEC member, Patricia Mountain has been made the new interim leader of UKIP, until the new leadership election that is being held in January, 2020.

I agree with Count Dankula in as much as the NEC didn't get the leader they wanted earlier in the year, so they're no different to the remain in the EU camp. As the EU are known to delay and delay until they get the vote that they would like to keep our countries in the EU. No surprise then that so quickly, there will be another leadership election.

The fact of the matter is that concerned activists and members cannot sweep what the NEC have done under the carpet and move on as some would like us to do. At the same time us freedom of speech activists that also support a clean break BREXIT cannot move on either with UKIP until the NEC is reformed.

That should be one of UKIP's priorities, otherwise I think a lot more members will be leaving UKIP. Is there room for a totally new and different party? Yes, there is definitely a huge gap, although I might take a look at the English Democrats because the solicitor Robin Tilbrook has worked very hard to get the BREXIT case heard in court.

It is written that REFORM UK were a UKIP splinter group that joined the English Democrats.

Robin says that legally we actually left the EU in March, 2019 and that Theresa May didn't have the legal right to extend it.  David Cameron also made it clear that we had two years to negotiate and after that we were out on WTO terms. That is what we voted on when we voted in the referendum.

Count Dankula says there isn't any other party that is standing up for freedom of speech, and he clearly doesn't like his experience in politics very much. That is also one of the reasons that I didn't join any political party until I joined UKIP. I joined UKIP to say thank you to Gerard Batten due to his magnanimous support for freedom of speech and our brave activists that is crucial to freedom in the UK and abroad.

Gerard's effort to save UKIP and his achievements in his first year of office was also miraculous. He stood up when no one else was willing or able to take on the challenge of the leadership.  As such, I'm sure that Gerard Batten will keep all of his supporters inside and outside of UKIP.

He's a courageous man that has our total respect and we always hold him in high esteem. The man that stood with the people for the people, his concerns were our concerns, and our concerns were his. He will always be in our hearts, and so deserving of our hearts of conscience and integrity is he.

That is our latest Freedom of Speech update in the UK as it is related to politics.  Although we might get some news from Carl Benjamin too and what he is planning to do. Carl does have a free speech platform and a corporate identity already to go if he so chooses it. The logo is of a stag and a flame and I really liked it when I first saw it.

Milo also joined UKIP when the other activists did and he has returned to doing live shows.

So watch this space!

To those of us that are still members of UKIP at this point, at least you get to vote in the next leadership election.

This is a video of Milo in 2016, when the BBC tried to trip him up, Milo calls it the "BBC tries to ambush Milo". He is wonderfully intelligent, has an incredible intellectual brain for retaining facts.  He's fast on his feet and has the London gift of the gab, he's also a sunny Libra that loves justice, fairness and balance.

Some of you might remember the documentary that TR also shared in 2019, exposing the BBC and the way that their journalists conduct themselves.

The BBC is no match for Milo, his scales of justice are way ahead. Milo is miles ahead of his competitors in the BBC.

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