
Sunday 17 November 2019


This is the time of the year to review the last year and what has happened since last December and this song from George Michael inspired it. It began last December when young neighbours began to cry in my arms.

Both the young men had been physically attacked, GBH, one had knife wounds, another one had a busted eye and lip. They both cried in my arms of love and I put healing oils on their head and face with my radiant healing hands and voice.

One of the youngsters was homeless although I am pleased to report that he now has a home again, although it has taken him time to settle down again. So many more tears were shed during 2019, as I wiped their tears away, parents and children. At least they know that they have been loved truly, truly loved. Everything that could be given and shared was indeed given and shared to help the young ones to move onwards and upwards. Wisdom more precious than rubies.


This paint was spread for George Michael after his passing,
it sits in my healing room. The paint is on cork.
The painting looks different to the pic of it.
Although people that have seen the original,
really like the painting, and so do I.

The colours chosen are specifically Greek,
to match his birth name.

Last Wednesday when I woke up in the morning, the song I could hear clairaudiently was "Save the day, save the day". Whitney Houston and Boyzone both sung songs "Love will save the day". 

That was the day that I was picking the car up from the garage and while at that location I visited two of our Reiki practitioners that trained with yours truly. We had a lovely time together sharing. 

There have been lots of positives in 2019, great progress has been made in my life.  Although my longed for holiday is now postponed until the New Year, unless something miraculous happens to take me abroad to the sunshine prior to that. I trust fully that when Spirit have a divine purpose for me to go abroad it will indeed happen. I am content to wait for divine instructions. 

George Michael loved his dogs, he had two Labradors. My gran, loved dogs too and she had a little cocker spaniel when I was a tot. Sophia has been very close with me in the last week or so, it's the first time I've felt her so strongly with me. 

She was compassionate and kind, always helping others, I used to do gardening with my gran and pop. I loved her and whilst on holiday together, we would sing and dance along the promenade together. I have a beautiful photograph of us together in the washroom at the beach. 

Sophia passed over in the month of December with a heart attack at age 65, she had a heart condition from a child. After she passed over I never really liked Christmas, as it was a sad memory in my life of being bereaved of my gran at Christmas time.  Hence, I never made a really big thing out of Christmas at home, like my mother did prior to her mum's passing. 

It is now that she is making me realise that, how bereavement can impact upon our life choices sub-consciously. In my home it was a quiet Christmas for my son and I, usually just the two of us. 

The Sun is in Scorpio until the 22nd of November, so it is likely that memories of loved ones will surface. Especially at this time of year. Sophia was born on Christmas day. 

Also on the 22nd the Sun moves into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius the traveller, so that is positive for new horizons and arising. 


15th of November, 2019. 



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