
Friday 8 November 2019


I saw a dog this morning when I woke up, it looked like a poodle mix it was white with black ears and black on the top of it's head. It must have been a mixed breed because that is not usually the colour of poodles.

Dog totem, unconditional love, a symbol of friendship. I once had a standard black poodle that my dad bought for me, I loved that shaggy poodle with his lovely long curly coat, I would pick up his ears and whisper. I would tell him everything, he was my best friend, big smiles.

When they changed the road systems in London he kept on getting out and run over, so we had to give him to a family in the countryside to keep him safe. That was one of the saddest days of my life, saying goodbye to my beloved pet. I was about seven years old at the time.

Spirit keep showing yours truly that a dog will be brought to my love. Wait Spirit will bring a dog to you.  I actually like the brown poodles, I think they're gorgeous.

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