
Friday 15 November 2019


On the 26th of November there is a new moon in my ascendent sign of Sagittarius. In this video Pam Gregory speaks about the planetary influences in the second half of November to include information on the forthcoming new moon in the sign of the traveller. The new moon is in four degrees.


The 26th of November is the "Day of Distinction" in numerics. Venus is also in Sagittarius until the 25th of November. No coincidence that I had to travel to the beach for a couple of days earlier this week and while there divine guidance was given that included a woman's love life and business opportunities that are jumping into her life.

It was a great time to give her confirmation that her life is on track, so exciting times ahead. We also looked at where her Chiron was in her chart and that explained what she must be aware of in her life. Interesting that Chiron like the north node outlines the challenges in life to overcome.

Watch is on, I like it, it's a great match for Reiki and for working with the healing oils.  I do like the distinction of lavender oil.  I am going to call it my Reiki healing watch, it is certainly distinctive, I bought it at Argos when I went to get the new curtain pole.

Pam shares that it is a very high energy at this time, new energy, a quantum leap. Pam says that paths are diverging, whereas what I am seeing in some peoples lives is that their two different career paths are converging and now becoming one. The two different roads leading to one road, that was something that I experienced in the 90s. When you see the gap in the road move through it successfully, go for it when the opportunities present themselves.

Everything in their life led to this point in time. Their work experience in different careers joining up and seeing how that is evolving and coming together on the highway of holiness. The numeric of 26th is also powerful, as it is the gematria for the name of God.

I like new moons, new beginnings, new opportunities, fresh starts. Remember the message received recently, "Save the day, save the day". With a new moon in my ascendent sign, the traveller, there is bound to be travel news happening.

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