
Monday 21 October 2019

Your Law Is In My Heart Psalm 40:8

The last time that I posted on this blog was on the 16th of October, 2019 and a prayer was posted for some local children that are in my heart and I know that I am in their hearts.

The message today, the verse of the day was thus:

"I desire to do your will my God; your law is in my heart". Psalm 40:8

And for this: "I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save". Isaiah 49:25 So to those that took the children captive, to the fierce that plundered our families in the UK, I lived to write the story, to give my testimony.

I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson, "You cannot heal the soul by incarcerating it". 

Ursula Anderson also wrote "Surely it is time to listen to the pleas of children, to see and honour their messages, and with glad heart to start the work that will eventually make Peace on Earth a sacred reality and more than a mantra for a hoped-for dream".


The little angel loved to sing this song to yours truly.

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