
Friday 4 October 2019


A view of Pluto direct and that happened on the 3rd of October, 2019. The 3rd of October was the "Day of Trendsetter". Due to the generation when I was born, I was born with Pluto in Leo, it was definitely the generation that were keen to heal the "inner child" and that was then passed on to younger generations due to the importance of it for attaining wholeness.

When people healed their "inner child", people felt so much lighter than they did prior to doing the intensive healing work that assists with self-mastery.

Different generations are born in different signs as far as Pluto is concerned, so it is useful to look at how the planet could be impacting upon your reality dependent upon when you were born.

In my planetary configuration Jupiter and Saturn are having the largest impact as I am moving into  the next phase of the Jupiter cycle and Jupiter is about expansion.  The present phase that is already underway in my life lasts about a year.

In the next three months my chart shows a catapult out of a cocoon in my personal life. For yours truly it is an emergence and I think driving again and getting a car could be an important aspect of that. I keep on being shown a new beginning, a new job opportunity or new business start-up, I'm seeing a springboard that has been prepped and the car could be the springboard. As I keep on being shown a car, transport is involved in where I am going.


I have Saturn in Scorpio and that is the "Soul Healer', although the healer can be very protective in this position, being feminine that can trigger other people that don't have those tendencies and the personality trait of tenacity. If a person has any issues with the mother figure being seen as the authority figure. Of course, if you are a man and you also have it in your chart, the same would apply if a person has any issues to do with the Father figure in their lives.  Of course it can be softened by the other planets in our charts, depending upon what they are.

Tenacity is brilliant for business and market research and any investigation, one of the reasons that I enjoy investigating health conditions. I also enjoyed the spiritual phase of my life investigating comparative religions, spiritual ideologies and philosophies. I found the discoveries that I made and were being shown fascinating. It really was a great and enjoyable spiritual journey.

Being the advocate for individuals those that ask for help, helping the most vulnerable, and those that most require it, has been a big feature in my life during the Saturn in Capricorn transit that began in 2017, the transit is in our lives until 2020.

It's a good idea to consider where you were and what you were doing during that transit last time we had it, that would be between 1988-1990. What aspects in your life were most successful, what did you learn from that timeline in life experience.

Today, the 4th of October, Mars has entered Libra and Libra likes balance, harmony and justice. I've got Neptune in Libra, and the 4th of October is the "Day of Survival".

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