
Thursday 31 October 2019


When I woke up today there was a very large Jade sphere moving around in my bedroom in front of my window. I once gave a beautiful Jade sphere to my RM when he married. The Jade was for Peter and his journey. Jade energy moving around in my bedroom, that's a good sign. I associate Jade with Buddhism and Reiki.

Green can represent new life for the heart and in recent days I shared with a friend that there were green lights dancing on my keyboard. Flashing green lights link to David, when he would like to communicate with me he sends me green lights. As we know the green light is go.

So first the green lights and then the green sphere, it's a green week for the new moon in Scorpio energies. It's deep, strong, tough, really, really deep like the ocean.

Some Jade discoveries, the discoveries of Jade in Mexico are interesting.

In China, Jade is a symbol of virtue and it is medicinal. Last night I was working on a flower essence remedy for a friend, then this morning I saw the sphere. Medicine Buddha, on track.

It's a strong stone, tough, as such it was used for the heads of axes. That's interesting bearing in mind my new car has AX on it's number plate. In Germany, Jade is known as the axe-stone.

Author J.C. Cooper wrote; Jade the Heavenly-Father principle, it is the Jewel of Heaven. The perfect man competes in virtue with jade. Polished and brilliant it represents purity. It appears as benevolence and represents justice. Jade symbolise's good fortune. I certainly had the good fortune to meet some amazing people during my life, fabulous healers, we had such a great time touring together in the glow of love.

A recent painting for a funky friend also had green in it.

I am being shown that Jade is for spiritual justice for spiritual practice, it is certainly time for amazing changes to happen and it's intent is for yours truly to prosper in helping our people. All the help of the cosmos is being given to us.

I keep on smelling toast and marmalade this morning. I like toast and marmalade.

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