
Thursday 26 September 2019


On the 26th of May 2019, I had a dream of a crystal egg as large as the shoe box that it was in and after the dream, as I was waking, I received this message: "RED OCTOBER".

In dream interpretation to see a prismatic crystal signifies a quick solution to any problems, puzzles or mysteries that may have been troubling you. It can also indicate happy social events ahead.

The crystal was an egg shaped rock quartz and it was the size of a shoebox. Shoes can often relate to direction due to wearing shoes on our feet. In dream interpretation to see a box with its contents means that you can overcome any obstacles.

In dream interpretation eggs are positive, and are generally good for whatever concerns you most. They augur domestic contentment and/or prosperity and abundance, eggs are significant for health, they can also indicate an unexpected windfall of money. I did receive a very unexpected financial windfall after I received the dream in May, 2019, it was money that was owed to me.

The rock quartz crystal is the Master's Crystal. It is a great crystal for concentration, focus, and anything that you have to apply yourself too. It is certainly cosmic to be given a crystal such as this in dream state, divine intervention indeed.

Then there was the message "Red October", indicating the month and that is why I am making this post because soon October will be upon us. Certainly a lot has happened in my life since May and in the lives of those that are close to me, tremendous strides forward.

Also interesting that on Tuesday, of this week a little girl gave me a red and white shoebox on her birthday (the colour of England's flag, otherwise known as St George's flag) with one of my healing books in it from my spiritual library.

The book is full of children's stories that I thought she might enjoy, and it does include crystals. Again, the shoebox reminded me of the dream and the message received earlier in the year.

From the 29th of September - 1st of October it is also Jewish New Year and one of the most recent messages that I received was "Discovery", then when I opened the post my new driving licence had arrived. After that I discovered that there is a hospital in Haifa, northern Israel with a "Discovery Tower".

Each time I went to Israel the Israeli's gifted me with crystals too. In 2006 they gave yours truly a crystal called "Elijah's Foot", and I asked the healers to keep it in Israel, as a reminder of my visit to see them and my promise to return.

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