
Thursday 12 September 2019

NHS 2 Decade Slump

The Telegraph share with us that Britain has slumped to the bottom of the cancer survival league tables and our country is two decades behind some countries.

The excuse given is that there is not sufficient early diagnosis. The article doesn't mentioned the fact that up to 47% of medical professionals working in the NHS were not trained in the UK.

It doesn't mention the fact that 8,000 British doctors were laid off in 2007. It doesn't mention the fact that the UK has been importing economic migrants from third world countries to work in the medical profession.

The slump in the NHS and its outcomes in the last twenty years is a direct correlation to the standard and quality of its staff. Of course, the privatisation of the NHS is also impacting upon that too.

Sometimes you can see a consultant and they don't even speak proper English and some patients can't understand what they're talking about. Sometimes consultants promise a copy of the report on the findings from an MRI scan and then they don't provide it.

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