
Sunday 15 September 2019

Lord Blackheath on Lisbon Treaty

For those of you that might not be aware of the Lisbon Treaty, in this video Lord Blackheath explains it to the House of Lords. Europeans that have children should be very concerned, very concerned indeed, because the EU plan to conscript all 18-25 year olds into an EU army.

Darren of Plymouth tweeted on the 10th of September, 2019. "Remember when the (globalist) Nick Clegg said that an Eu army was a dangerous fantasy? Well, here is guy explaining exactly that. Plans are to conscript 18-35 year olds, 'Mandatory European Service', if you have children like me, be concerned, Von der Leyen's job is to make this happen".  The Tweet was retweeted by Richard Braine, the new leader of UKIP.

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