
Sunday 29 September 2019


Last night I spread the paint for a north American and it is a healing painting. Due to its colouring and the fact that Hebrew symbols have appeared in the photograph of the painting, I've called the painting "Healing Segol".

On the right of the painting I can see a man dressed in white that has manifested, and he looks like a Buddhist monk, one of the Buddhist healers that helps with the healing that is necessary.

In the book "Original Jesus", it offers convincing proof of extensive Buddhist influence on the life and teachings of Jesus. Its thought-provoking claim is that Jesus was brought up by the Therapeutae.

The book's claim is enforced by tracing the extensive penetration of Indian culture and ideas into the bible lands up to the time of Jesus. In my discoveries I did find some overlap between Hebrew and Sanscrit, I also found some Indian spiritual philosophy featured in the bible.

The paint was spread on the 28th of September, and that was the new SUPER moon in Libra, new beginnings, fresh starts, justice, balance, harmony. It is especially important for relationships and friendships, of course it is also essential love. Love that is essential for the healing process, liberating the love is a key to life.

The man in the painting is wearing white, it looks like a buddhist bun on his head, and the pink of love is above his head, I hope that you can see what I can see and that this painting brings healing to the man that requires it.

For now I shall put the painting in my healing room, with the other healing paintings, in the "Silver Cloud Healing Room". Hebrew symbols manifested before my eyes while I was painting the walls of the healing room a couple of years ago. So I knew that room had been blessed by the LORD God Almighty, today is Jewish New Year.

A time to review the last year, your actions and deeds, prior to starting anew, what you have achieved to enhance your life and the lives of others.

Examine your own intentions and what that brought forth in co-creation, and try to find the forgiveness in your heart for yourself and for others. Did your good deeds outweigh anything else that you did? It is very important to have the right balance in your life. Ponder upon what you can heal, and be trustfully loyal to what is really in your heart.

Think about your dreams and are you really doing what pleases you, are you really happy doing what you do, are you enjoying living the life that you lead? Think about what the divine are showing you, and allow yourself to be raised up to a higher level and vibration.

In these radiant hands is the power of healing, and these hands offer this gift to you, for it is true, that Yahweh brings his gifts to bestow and offers you a hedge of protection with the power of love.


28th of September, 2019. 

This Jewish New Year, contemplate where you are going, and who with, ask for divine guidance and it will be given. You can turn your life around with pure intentions, a heart of conscience. When love is real it has miraculous tendencies and proves to you that real love is eternal and endures forever.

Sometimes things happen for a reason, to improve your life, sometimes there has to be a catalyst to catapult you to a better and healthier life. A springboard arrives to help you to see what has to change in your life when you are ready for that change. We say in Reiki healing that Reiki comes into your life when you are ready for it, although sometimes the teacher arrives before the student is ready.

Love is always standing by waiting to save you from yourself, for salvation is a mystical term for self-preservation. So ponder upon how you will preserve you and put your action plan together for the new year. In this context, time is not important, but you are, so take your time, make your priorities happen, one step at a time, and please make your heart sing with joy again.

Last night after I spread the paint for the person it was meant for, I was listening to a Sammy Davis Jr song, and while listening to it, I was given this message.


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