
Thursday 12 September 2019

Greenland's Massive Ice Melt

At the end of this video they discuss carbon taxes and Californian wildfires. If you are a climate change activist and are concerned about wildfires than technology has to be addressed, stop 5G and its cell towers now. 

Also with ice melting this fast in Greenland in one day in August, you also have to consider the environment impact of nuclear reactors. 

It is natural for the waters to rise and fall during the ages of creation, you can't fight nature, even the Jewish prophets and the Native Americans knew that, you have to work in harmony with nature and be prepared for all eventualities. Carbon taxes wouldn't change the natural cycles of the planet, nor would it change the heat of the sun. 

It reminds me of the "ICE CAPS 22" message that yours truly received. 

There will be justice for nature and creation, man will be humbled and learn humility in the face of Mother Earth that feeds us and provides water for us with its creation. 


Man must learn to live in harmony in nature and stop trying to stop nature being natural. Man must integrate that Mother Earth is more powerful than man. 




In my life experience in England, we always have a cold winter prior to a hot summer. I'd already anticipated a cold winter this year, as recently I received a dream of people and children playing in the snow outside of my lounge window. 

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