
Monday 23 September 2019


On the 19th September upon waking I received a divine message, "DISCOVERY".

On the 28th of September it is the New Super Moon in Libra at 5 degrees. See the recent blog posts on that from a planetary perspective.

On the 29th of September, Jewish people begin with Jewish New Year 5780, and 5+7+8 = 20.

Key decisions made at this time will clearly impact upon 2020 for all of us, as 2020 = 40 and is the numeric of the Jewish prophets.

This new super moon in Libra is in my 9th house and I plan to travel during the next year to make my third visit to the land of Israel. Earlier in the year I had a dream of Bibi and he was asking me when I was coming back to Israel, I told him that I had to go somewhere else first and that I could come for Christmas, and he laughed at me.

However, the reason that I am making this blogpost is that while I was looking to see what videos there were on 5780, this lovely Israeli video came forth and in it the doctor mentions the "Discovery Tower".

The last time that I was in northern Israel was for Jewish New Year in 2007 and I did visit Haifa and Mount Carmel for the second time.

The medical facilities and medics in Israel are definitely impressive. Have a wonderful Jewish New Year Israel, always in my heart.

Rambam is in Haifa in northern Israel, a blessing upon it indeed.

The last time I went food shopping the LORD was asking me for Chicken, he likes yours truly to have chicken for the brine, as the brine is great for collagen boosting. When he gave his instruction, I didn't think of Jewish New Year approaching, I just thought I will get fresh chicken on Tuesday.

After writing the above he spoke in Hebrew "Motza" and it is translated by some as "Origin".

If we look at "Motsa" we find it is listed, Strongs 4161, and it is translated as a place, or act of going forth. Issue, export, source, spring.

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