
Wednesday 4 September 2019

2 Timothy 1 -v- Hab 2

In 2 Timothy 1 it mentions the words "appointed" and "herald", so it looks like that the early Christians thought that the herald had come.

When in fact the appointed time prophecy for the herald to come to deliver and explain the prophecy mentioned in Hab 2 is about the last days of the end times.

How do we know that in a literal sense? It mentions the destruction of Lebanon, and Arafat and his Muslim army decimated southern Lebanon of it's Christians in the mid 70's.

That is how Hezbollah managed to move into that area of Lebanon to then fire upon Israel in 2006 while I was walking upon that land.

In my calculations based upon the prophecies of Daniel and Jesus that is when the last days of the end times began and I did run with the explanation of the prophecy at the appointed time when called to do so. I wrote a paper about it and drove my car immediately to the nearest church to deliver it.

I also gave a copy of that paper to a Christian Greek man to share with his people in 2010, at the appointed time.

The paper was distributed by email and in social media at the appointed time.

The prophecy foretold that the LORD would give his answer to those that had made their neighbours drunk so that they could see their naked bodies. We all know what has happened in the UK and in other countries in Europe with the Islamic grooming gangs. The prophecy says that they plotted the ruin of many peoples.

In Holland their education department made a film to show to school children to warn them of the dangers of the Islamic "Lover Boys". Although the education department in the UK, would not allow that film to be shown in schools in the UK.

Where is the passionate care for the youth, and our women, where is their protection from immigrants and economic migrants that are intent on bringing our people down?

Yet, the parliamentary rebels would like to keep us in the UK with open borders. The globalist communists would like to keep us in the EU with mass immigration that is decimating our culture and people. Open your eyes, ears and hearts Christians, defend our ancient cultures, and people.

Christians join UKIP, we are the people that have defended you and our Judeo-Christian culture for 27 years.

The new Christian leader of UKIP, Richard Braine has this to say about what has happened in parliament.

Patriots unite in trustful loyalty, join UKIP.

Have you got your yellow vest? I've got mine ready for 2020, the year of the Jewish prophets.

This year I am a little mustard seed, big smiles.

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