
Wednesday 14 August 2019

UKIP Press Conference

This is a brilliant press conference that was uploaded this morning. It is introduced by the new UKIP Chairman, Liz Phillips, and then the new UKIP leader Richard Braine speaks to the media.

Your opportunity to meet the new leadership, and hear Richard William Braine's views on the policies of UKIP. We live in exciting times with plenty of optimism in this new era of a new paradigm in politics. He told the media "There is a love that dare not speak its name, and that love is patriotism, the love of our country".

There are plenty of patriots in UKIP, free thinkers, independent thinkers.

The Christian man that speaks his truth with Liz Phillips at his side, a wonderful duo of sincere hearts of integrity. During the press conference he is asked about Christianity, and the NT and how it compares to Islam, he also mentions the cultural differences and the difficulties that our people face in the UK.

He is prepared and ready for the challenges that face our culture, he's ready to lead UKIP and our people onwards and forwards into a shift of consciousness into what is really important for the survival of our nation. As I have written previously, integrity is essential for it is the rock of any decent and honourable civilisation.

It was a decisive win for Richard in the leadership contest with 53% of the UKIP vote share and his tenure is for four years. The best man won with the backing of Gerard Batten, Liz Phillips and the membership. 

The next election is coming soon for a new NEC, and all of the UKIP membership will be able to vote on individuals to be elected onto the NEC. The annual UKIP conference is being held in September in Wales. It is bound to be a joyous time, so congratulations to everyone that stood their ground in defence of freedom of speech. 

UKIP concentrating on our strengths, and opportunities, whilst seeing the weakness of the other parties and the media, the establishment that "enable the threats" to the UK and its independence. 

Richard views the current situation in the UK to be "Anti-British" and the sooner that BREXIT is delivered the better it will be for all of us in taking our country back. 

Whilst economic migrants view the UK has the land of opportunity, indigenous people of the UK have suffered the consequences of mass immigration with no-go areas being a reality in various parts of the UK. British politics to date as provided far less opportunities to thrive and prosper in our lands due to it.  In fact, wages in real terms have not increased since the 80s while health tourism continues. 

The UK is clearly overpopulated, and if you have any questions about that I recommend that you view the Migrant Watch website that provide all of the latest stats. 

30 million UK adults would like to see immigration reduced. For how much longer can the media refuse to acknowledge that fact? As we know the British people are fed up of not being listened too, they're fed up of the media defending immigration, and they're fed up with what has happened to our culture in the hands of politicians and the EU. 

Then the media wonder why their newspapers stay on the shelves. It is rare when I ever see anyone buying a newspaper these days, the general public are just not buying the publishers "Anti-British" agenda when they can get their news from other sources and do their own research.

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