
Saturday 17 August 2019

Sabbath Garden Dream

I had a dream on the full moon and in the dream a couple of people from the UKIP leadership were re-arranging my garden. I remember saying, "That goes over there".

In dream interpretation to dream of a garden is a great dream to have and when in bloom it speaks of spiritual satisfaction, domestic love and financial security. That is certainly what our patriots require.

Love for the people of our country, satisfaction on a spiritual level and financial security for our people.

In the dream positioning was clearly very important, what you put and where. I viewed the dream as the garden location being an important historical location. If you find yourself speaking in a dream it can indicate that improved status or social position and/or business is forecast. Interesting that there are a lot of small business people involved in the UKIP membership and UKIP plan to increase that membership.

A re-arrangement is also interesting in the context of the new leadership and in my garden food is being grown. In dream interpretation healthy plants growing indoors or outside is an indication of good luck in your current undertakings. When arranging plants it is a promise of a contented home life and comfortable circumstances. My view of this is that the new UKIP leadership will have a much easier time of it due to the support that they have.

If you remember how many people were in your dream it indicates an increase in personal power and/or prestige. My view is that it is important now, that the UKIP membership allow the new leadership to get on with their jobs.

Re-arranging things can mean putting things into different positions that is more suitable and healthy for those people. Agriculture is an interesting aspect of the UK economy, and I did read that the farmers union have in the past supported remaining in the EU. Although the last time that I spoke to a local farmer just prior to the referendum, he was definitely for leaving the EU.

We also know that the EU were also planning to cut the farming subsidies whether we stayed in the EU or not. So staying in the EU is no benefit to farming.

Positioning can also be to do with marketing, and the positioning of the party can impact upon the marketing strategy developed and implemented. Of course the positioning of natural and human resources can be a key to success for any company.

For has every small business person knows, the quality and expertise of your staff are essential to your success. Although the right marketing expertise is also crucial to the success of any enterprise and its new initiatives. It is not just about public relations, there is a lot more to marketing than PR.

It is about how you approach your primary target audience, what market you decide upon and what you choose to take to it and how you present your position because UKIP cannot be all things to all people. It stands for independent thought, with independent thinkers, freedom of speech, and true democracy where the membership get a say on the direction of the positioning of our country.

It is far more important to be a marketing led company rather than a product led company. With my marketing hat on, I view the past with Nigel Farage pushing the product led agenda by making himself the product of UKIP, I have warned people previously, products can always be replaced upon the shelves because every product has its cycle of time.

As Jesus said all of those years ago, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

I think it was a splendid dream to have at this time, and bodes well for the new leadership.

Interesting that the 30th of August, is the "Day of Rock" and it is a Virgo super moon of new beginnings.

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