
Sunday 18 August 2019


Earlier in the year I bought some purple bean plants from the Homebase garden centre because they looked so attractive. I think I bought 12 and gave some to friends after I managed to get them established prior to putting them in larger containers.

A neighbour and a healer have put theirs in the ground and a former colleague has put hers in the raised bed. So from the 12 original plants four of us are trying growing the purple beans that turn green when you cook them. The purple vines look lovely while you are growing them, I'm also growing the borlotti beans loved by the Italians.

This was my third harvest of the purple beans yesterday. So today, I am going to cook some in a nutty sauce with mustard seeds. To have with some liver and onions cooked in the oven with some new potatoes. I eat chicken livers and lamb liver to increase my iron intake, and for women during menopause and afterwards, we have to increase our iron intake nearly threefold.

You can also eat these beans raw. The Science of Purple Beans and why they change in colour.


I'm not feeling too great this weekend and A&E said I am not to chew, only to eat soft foods, soups and smoothies. Hence, liver and onions with mashed new potatoes are ideal for today with some sauted beans in a sauce.

These beans are high in Vit C. Although don't forget to include some lemon juice while cooking them as the brain requires Vit K to assimilate Vit C in the body. A splash of balsamic vinegar would be great too. I shall make a garlic nutty sauce for the beans a great side dish.

It's important to eat the beans as freshly as possible after you harvest them, as they don't keep well out of the fridge.

What else could I have today, some homemade no-bake cheesecake, it's so quick and easy to make. Although I could make a milk pudding too, as I bought some semolina last week, nice and easy to cook. I asked my three year old neighbour if he liked apple crumble, he replied, no.

Apple crumble with custard is lovely, that was one of my dad's favourite puddings. I used to cook it for my son when he was little, and he loved anything with custard, cream or ice cream. I also like tapioca although it is really hard to find in the shops. I think I might have to order some on-line.

So it's porridge oats for breakfast, or Greek yoghurt, or smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, Diana's favourite.

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