
Tuesday 27 August 2019


This morning when I woke up there was a dead pigeon outside my bedroom window in front of the patio table and chairs. Under the table was the watering can, behind the bird was the paddling pool.

The bird looked perfectly healthy, its wings were fine, something happened suddenly to that bird.

The fact that it was so close to my home signifies a specific message. A dead bird can mean an ending and a new beginning, some say the search is over, the bird found where it wished to end its life just before it keeled over. I asked my neighbour to remove the bird for me as I am not allowed to touch it.

If we cross-reference with the biblical alchemical text, in Ezekiel 44, the ordained must not eat anything that is found dead or torn by wild animals. NIV

The Jewish translation is slightly different, although the bird is symbolic of being reminded that you are of Yahweh and Yahweh is glorious and holy above all things. John Gill wrote that Elijah would explain this verse.

The fact that it was outside my bedroom window is significant as yesterday the windows of my sanctuary were cleaned inside and out. On the bedroom window ledge is the three white doves that my mother gifted me with.

In scripture doves are symbolic of prophetesses, and in ancient Greece the prophetesses were called "Doves".

I do think that I will be hearing of a passing that has already happened very soon. In this instance, the bird chose my healing sanctuary to rest in peace prior to passing over. My neighbour threw away it's physical, as its life energy had already left its body.


In spiritual symbology the dove is a spirit of light, chastity, innocence, gentleness, and peace. Doves are sacred to all Great Mothers and Queens of Heaven. Sacred doves are sometimes associated with funeral rites. In Christianity, it is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, purity, and inspired thought, peace and baptism. Although you won't find Churches discussing the messages from the birds with their congregations.

A dove can be symbolic of a soul that has been saved and purified, prior to passing over to a different reality in peacefulness and faithfulness. A faithful dove, the faithful sought refuge in Christ.

"The dove on Joseph's staff depicts the husband of a pure virgin." Hence a dove can be male or female. Joseph (coat of many colours), dream interpreter, was a healer so it is likely that his wife was too.


"The Knights of the Grail chose a dove as their emblem." Hence they chose the divine guidance of the prophetess and her Holy Spirit.

In Egyptian symbology, the dove sits in the tree of life and appears with the fruit of the tree, vases of vases of the water of life. Today, outside of my window is a paddling pool full of water, the biggest bird bath you've ever seen, I don't think the bird was overheated, as it could have cooled down in the paddling pool. The garden has been described as a garden of eden, flourishing with fruit, veg, seeds and herbs, this is where the bird chose to rest.

In Greco-Roman symbology, the dove can be symbolic of love, and sometimes you have to love a place prior to moving on to a new place and location. Love makes the journey easier and always brings renewal, the power of love beyond measure.

The dove can be an offering at the temple for purification, and a symbol of Israel. Hence context is very important when comprehending the meaning of the message being delivered by the bird. Its face was facing my home, completion, divine love. The dove made it home and it is a blessing.


Bedroom window of the soul, soul bird, water, garden, table and chairs, change is coming quickly, quick change is coming, an important sign. Job spoke of the importance of the birds and their messages. As I was typing a numeric chart opened up on my screen, first time I've seen that calculator.  Hence the numeric is important, just ONE English bird.

During my life, whenever a mission or instruction was completed, real birds would appear before yours truly and whomever I was with. Another reason why I mention completion of a journey.

Today's verse of the day, "You will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you". Isaiah 26:3

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